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Gulliver students find their passion and cultivate it through learning as they chart the
path that will take them into the future. Our Class of 2021 matriculations showcase
the variety of colleges and universities where students
will continue preparing for life beyond school.
IE University-Segovia
University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign*
Illinois Institute of Technology* Indiana University-Bloomington* Iowa State University
University of Iowa
Jacksonville University
James Madison University
Johns Hopkins University*
Kansas City Art Institute
Keiser University*
University of Kentucky
King’s College London (University
of London)
Lafayette College
Lehigh University
Louisiana State University*
Loyola Marymount University (3) Loyola University Chicago*
Loyola University Maryland
Loyola University New Orleans (2) Lynn University*
Macalester College
Manhattan College
Manhattan School of Music Manhattanville College
Maryland Institute College of Art University of Maryland-College
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
University of Massachusetts- Dartmouth
Massachusetts Institute of Technology*
University of Massachusetts-Amherst University of Massachusetts-Boston Mercer University*
Miami Dade College (2)
Miami University
University of Miami (26) Michigan State University* University of Michigan-Ann
Arbor (3)
Middlebury College
Midland University
University of Mississippi (McDonnell-
Barksdale Honors College)
Muhlenberg College*
Universidad de Navarra University of Nebraska
The New England Conservatory
of Music
University of New Hampshire New York University (5) University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill
Northeastern University (13) Northwestern University
University of Notre Dame*
Nova Southeastern University Occidental College
Pace University*
Palm Beach Atlantic University Peabody Conservatory of The Johns
Hopkins University
Pennsylvania State University (2) University of Pennsylvania (2) Pepperdine University
University of Pittsburgh*
Pitzer College
Pratt Institute*
Purdue University*
Quinnipiac University
University of Redlands
Reed College
Regent’s University London
Regis University
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute* Rhode Island School of Design
Rice University*
Richmond University (London) University of Richmond
Rochester Institute of Technology* University of Rochester*
Rollins College*
Rutgers University
Saint Louis University-Madrid
Saint Mary’s College
Saint Michael’s College Salve Regina University University of San Diego University of San Francisco*
Santa Clara University*
Santa Monica College
Sarah Lawrence College*
Savannah College of Art and Design* School of the Art Institute of Chicago* The University of the South*
University of South Carolina*
University of South Florida (2) University of Southern California* Southern Methodist University (4) St. Lawrence University
St. Thomas University Stanford University (2)
Stetson University*
Stevens Institute of Technology* Stony Brook University
Suffolk University*
Syracuse University (3)
The University of Tampa* Tecnológico de Monterrey
Temple University
The University of Tennessee-Knoxville* Texas A & M University
Texas Christian University*
Texas Wesleyan University
ThThThThThe University of Texas at Austin (2) ThThThThThe University of Texas at Dallas
The New School*
Ohio State University
Tufts University*
Tulane University of Louisiana (4) Universiteit van Amsterdam* University of London
University of Manchester
University of Southampton
University of St. Andrews
Vanderbilt University*
Vassar College
Villanova University*
Virginia Commonwealth University Virginia Tech*
University of Virginia (2)
Wake Forest University (4)
Wartburg College
Washington and Lee University Washington University in St. Louis* University of Washington
Wellesley College
West Virginia University
West Virginia Wesleyan College College of William and Mary
Williams College
University of Wisconsin-Madison (3) Wittenberg University
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (2) Yale University
York College of Pennsylvania
Matriculations in bold
Multiple matriculations noted (in parenthesis) *Asterisk denotes multiple acceptances
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