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In SK through fourth grade, students participate in the Teachers College Reading and Writing Workshop. From identifying snap words and word blends to reflecting on their writing process and thoughts behind their stories, our students become avid and skilled readers at every level.
Middle School World Language students in Español D researched an Afro-Latino and created exhibit ideas for consideration for the new National Museum of the American Latino. Using
a program called CoSpaces which allowed them to create 3D virtual spaces, students taught themselves and each other how to use the program.
Alice Araujo de Abreu ‘26 was one of only 13 students in all of Miami-Dade County to earn a Judges’ Award for her poem “Queen Bee” in the 2021 Miami-Dade County Youth Fair Creative Writing competition.
The 2019-20 Middle School yearbook, “EPIC,” earned a Gold medal from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association (CSPA) and Florida Scholastic Press Association (FSPA) All-Florida recognition. The book notched 10 FSPA All-Florida nods and four Gold distinctions for its People section, Sports section, Writing and Editing, and Photography and Visuals.
Victoria Paesano ‘23 was selected to participate in Yale Young Global Scholars (YYGS). The academic program empowers the next generation of leaders by building a global community and designing interdisciplinary programs that foster intellectual curiosity, deepen understanding, and inspire creative action across all borders.
The Middle School’s third annual Pixel Digital Mass Media Showcase highlighted broadcasting, journalism, and digital design student work via
a web gallery. On the broadcasting side, viewers can browse recipe videos, Raider Student Network news packages, commentaries, and more, while the journalism section features
The Raider Flash news site and a discussion
on choosing a yearbook theme. Digital design students shared their work on branding, product graphics, iconography, and more.
Fifth grade science students conducted their annual investigation in the Gulliver Garden as they were tasked with comparing different variables and hypothesizing what would make their plants grow. Students planted several edible plants and the variable was worms or lack of worms. Engineering students stepped in to help create an enclosure to prevent peacocks from entering the area.
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