Page 7 - Get Real E-Book 3 Life Hacks For Parents & Teens
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Bucket List for Happiness
We’ve probably all experienced this... You put a lot of time and energy into one or two areas of your life, but the others miss out. Balance is really important!
What are you happy with, proud of and enjoying in this area? Take time to celebrate. Think of things at home, at work, with friends and personally. What are you pleased with?
What do you wish was different? What do you want to change, grow or work on? Even if you don’t know how... think about what is holding you back or annoying you.
This will become your motivation for change, so be sure to find the most powerful motivator possible. Once you have finished the exercise look back over this table and highlight 1 or 2 areas focus on as you work through the rest of the book.
Working on these existing limiting factors will help you get the most out of your life. Change is then easier, because it starts with you, and therefore it’s in your control.
Complete the worksheet on the next page for EACH area of your Happiness Bucket.
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