Page 3 - OSISA Report 2021
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ACRONYMS AAAA Angolan Association for the support of people with Albinism
AAEA Associação Angolana para Educação de Adultos
ABN African Biodiversity Network
ACA The Angolan Scientific Association ACDA Acção Comunitária para o o o o o o Desenvolvimento de Angola ACHPR African Court on Human and Peoples Rights ACIDH Action Against Impunity for Human Rights ACPHR African Commission on on Human and People’s Rights ADH Avocats des Droits De l’Homme
Action for Rural Development and Environment ADRA (Portuguese: Acção Para o o o o o o o o o Desenvolvimento Rural e e e e e Ambiente ) AETA Action for Transparent and Peaceful Elections
AfCFTA African Continental Free Trade Area AfRO Africa Regional Office
African Forum and and Network
on Debt and and AFRODAD Development AI-SARO Amnesty International-Southern Africa AIA Angolan Identity Archive
AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AJPD Associação Justiça Paz e e Democracia
Youth Development Association Community of AJUDECA Angola Angola (Portuguese: Associação Juvenil para o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Desenvolvimento Comunitário de Angola) ANCEFA Africa Network
Campaign for for Education for for All APCA African Palliative Care Association APESCAB Associação dos Pescadores de Cabinda APNAC African Parliament Against Corruption
ART Antiretroviral Therapy
Action of Solidarity and Development ASD (Portuguese: Acção de de Solidariedade e e e e e e e e e e e e Desenvolvimento)
Observatory of Gender-based Public Policies ASSOGE (Portuguese: Associação Observatório de de de Politicas Publicas na Perspetiva de de Género) ATI Access to Information AU BAF
African Union Blantyre Arts Festival
Bureau d’Etudes et et Evaluations de de Projets Communautaires
Centre for Applied Non-Violent Action and Strategies
Church of Central Africa Presbyterian
Centre for Community Development in Zimbabwe
Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace Christian Council of Lesotho
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Community Empowerment and Development Association Support Centre for Education and Community Development Centre for Studies on on Handicap Justice and and Resolution 1325
Centre for Legal Studies of of of Law of of of the Catholic University of of of Angola (Portuguese: Centro de de de Estudos Jurídicos da da da da Faculdade de de de de de Direito da da da da Universidade Católica de de de de Angola) National National Episcopal Conference Conference of Congo Congo (Frech: Conference Conference Épiscopale Nationale du Congo)
Independent National National Electoral Commission Commission (French: Commission Commission Électorale Nationale Indépendante)
Coalition for the Empowerment of Women and Girls
Continental Free Trade Agreement
General Confederation of of Independent and Free Trade Unions of of Angola (Portuguese: Central Geral dos Sindicatos Independentes e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Livres de Angola) Centre for Human Rights Education Advice and Assistance
Citizens Health Watch
Centre for Investigative Journalism Malawi Centre for Innovation and Technology
Community and Local Authority-Based Violence Prevention Project