Page 14 - Notes from LRC's Housing Conference
P. 14

• There must be a minimum quantity of potable supply of water per person of 25 litres per day.
• Six kilolitres per household per month.
• Must be within 200m of a household.
Minimum requirements
• Try to make the water services more accessible.
• No customer must be without a water supply for more than seven days.
• It is important to look at by-laws in your municipal area.
• Municipal Integrated Development Plans – what projects they intend embarking on in the years to come.
NB: If the provision is not made for a specific water issue, the municipality must create public participation opportunities for communities so that they can inform the budgets and plans for their area. Encourage communities to attend these meetings.
Right to Sanitation
It is closely linked to the right to water, dignity, a healthy environment, and equality. Part B of Schedule 4 makes provision for water supply and sanitation services.
National and provincial governments must ensure that the local municipality has enough resources and capacity to provide these services.
Section 3 – everyone has a right to basic sanitation services. They must develop plans to provide measures to ensure that these rights are realised.
  • • •
 Municipalities have the duty to provide access to basic services: water, electricity, sanitation, and waste management.

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