Page 2 - Quick Guide 2020 ERB
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  Our Commitment To You
We only recommend Financial Advisors that pride themselves on building trust and lasting, long-term professional relationships with their customers. We only recommend companies and products that are approved by the FCA and the Equity Release Council, to give you peace of mind and security.
Equity Release Council
Since 1991, the Equity Release industry, including Equity Release providers, have been governed by a consumer centric trade body called the Equity Release Council (ERC). The Council has strict codes of conduct which providers must follow to protect the interest of consumers and ensure you are kept financially safe and secure
"Over the course of 25 years, the Equity Release Council continues to represent the equity release sector and exists to promote high standards of conduct and practice in the provision of and advice on equity release which have consumer safeguards at its heart."
"These standards and safeguards have allowed the sector to grow, giving financial advisers and their customers confidence in the products, dispelling myths about equity release, and educating the public about the potential to access the wealth in their home for a variety of uses."

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