Page 36 - Microsoft Word - BD Lessons Scenarios & Images.doc
P. 36
B.) Born In It
Often times the Gangsta life is generational. (explain) You automatically tag along with the Gangsta Dawgs because they are family. They are the ones you associated with since you
were born.
Scenario: Baby Bow Wow’s Predicament
Baby Bow Wow was third generation from the K-9 gang.
He was proud of the photo on the wall of his father and grandfather posing with the K-9 gang, throwing up their gang
signs, flaunting their jewelry and gang clothing.
Baby Bow Wow witnessed the life of the K-9 gang daily. This
life style seemed normal to him. As he grew a little older he began to realize that everyone didn’t live the way he had.
Baby Bow Wow recalled the day his grandfather Big Bow Wow was killed by the Flea Bag gang, and the day his father was sent to life in prison for retaliating. He wondered if maybe there was a better path to take for his dog life. He does have a better choice, though it was not an easy one.
Baby Bow Wow knew if he chooses to be actively involved in the Flea Bag gang he’ll most likely suffer bad consequences and he’ll
do things he’ll regret.
But if he doesn’t participate he fears he will be rejected by his gangsta family.
*Following in Big Bow Wow’s footsteps will surely send Baby Bow Wow down the wrong trail. Have a discussion about things he can do to avoid the criminal life his family followed.