Page 1 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, October 2019
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“We train the world’s greatest fighter pilots and combat ready Airmen†October 2019
Vol. 18, No. 10
ï® VA helps at-risk vets, 3
ï® Vet performs act of
kindness, 4
ï® Wounded Warrior, 5
ï® Fire Prevention Week, 9
ï® Chaplain thoughts, 12
ï® Appeals granted for vets, 15
U.S. Air Force graphic
The Air Force’s all-new advanced trainer aircraft, the T-X, has officially been named the T-7A Red Hawk.
Martin Short Air Force announces newest Red Tail: ‘T-7A Red Hawk’
“BEAST MODE†Secretary of the Air Force an American fighter aircraft that first flew deft handling at low speeds, allowing it to
in 1938 and was flown by the 99th Fighter fly in a way that better approximates real
See Page 10 Public Affairs Squadron, the U.S. Army Air Forces’ first world demands and that is specifically de-
African American fighter squadron.†signed to prepare pilots for fifth-generation
Continue to get Luke’s latest NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. — The Air aircraft. The aircraft’s single engine gener-
news and information from Force’s all-new advanced trainer aircraft, The Tuskegee Airmen subsequently ates nearly three times more thrust than
these sources: http://www. the T-X, has officially been named the T-7A painted their Republic P-47 Thunderbolts the dual engines of the T-38C Talon which Red Hawk. and North American P-51 Mustangs with it is replacing.
a red-tailed paint scheme. Acting Secretary of the Air Force Mat- “The distance between the T-38 and an
and social media thew Donovan made the announcement The T-7A Red Hawk, manufactured by F-35 is night and day,†said Air Force Chief
during his speech at the 2019 Air Force Boeing, introduces capabilities that prepare of Staff Gen. David Goldfein. “But with the
Luke56thFW @LukeAFB Association’s Air, Space and Cyber Confer- pilots for fifth generation fighters, includ- T-7A the distance is much, much smaller.
ence in National Harbor, Sept. 16. ing: high-G environment, information/sen- And that’s important because it means the
Date of publication sor management, high angle of attack flight pilots trained on it will be that much better,
Donovan was joined on stage by one of characteristics, night operations, and trans- that much faster at a time when we must
First Friday the original Tuskegee Airmen, Col. Charles ferable air-to-air and air-to-ground skills. be able to train to the speed of the threat.â€
McGee, who flew more than 400 combat
of the month missions in World War II, Korea and Viet- “The T-7A will be the staple of a new A $9.2 billion contract awarded to Boeing
nam. Also seated in the audience were generation of aircraft,†Donovan said. “The in September 2018 calls for 351 T-7A air-
Submission deadline members of the East Coast Chapter of the Red Hawk offers advanced capabilities for craft, 46 simulators and associated ground
Tuskegee Airmen. training tomorrow’s pilots on data links, equipment to be delivered and installed,
15th day of the month simulated radar, smart weapons, defensive replacing Air Education and Training Com-
After a short video highlighting the management systems, as well as synthetic mand’s 57-year-old fleet of T-38C Talons.
prior to date of publication aircraft’s lineage, Donovan said, “Ladies training capabilities.â€
and gentlemen, I present to you the new- The first T-7A aircraft and simulators
Veterans est Red Tail!†A drape was then lifted to Along with updated technology and are scheduled to arrive at Joint Base San
reveal a quarter-scale model of a T-7A Red performance capabilities, the T-7A will be Antonio-Randolph, Texas, in 2023. All
Tell us Your Story Hawk painted in a distinct, red-tailed color accompanied by enhanced simulators and undergraduate pilot training bases will
Active-duty, Reserve, Retirees scheme. the ability to update system software faster eventually transition from the T-38C to
All military branches are included and more seamlessly. The plane was also the T-7A. Those bases include: Columbus
“The name Red Hawk honors the legacy designed with maintainers in mind by uti- Air Force Base, Mississippi; Laughlin AFB,
Email name, phone number and a of Tuskegee Airmen, and pays homage to lizing easy-to-reach and open access panels. Texas; Sheppard AFB, Texas and Vance
brief description of your service to their signature red-tailed aircraft from AFB, Oklahoma.
World War II,†Donovan said. “The name is The T-7A features twin tails, slats and big also a tribute to the Curtiss P-40 Warhawk, leading-edge root extensions that provide
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