Page 2 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, July 2019
P. 2
2 July 2019 Desert Lightning News
Reflections of a loyal heretic
C O M M E N TA R Y by Col. WILEY BARNES to step up our game as leaders to de- people in your flight, people down the how we must think about everything
velop our people. We need to arm them hall in the dorm, the soldier at the bus we do. Yours will be different, but here’s
517th Training Group to make choices, which optimize their stop, or the Airman you’re often next to mine:
capability as learners, increase their in formation because you’re the same
PRESIDIO OF MONTEREY, Calif. resiliency and enhance their overall height. When you have a tough time, Mutual respect: Regardless of
— For the past two years as commander effectiveness. they will be there for you and you’ll be rank, position or authority, we treat
of the 517th Training Group and Assis- there when they have trouble. Make no people with dignity and respect. Mutual
tant Commandant of Defense Language As part of our campaign to improve mistake, you will have a difficult time respect enables trust, which enables
Institute Foreign Language Center, Airmen’s performance, and ourselves, at some point in training, because life teamwork. We succeed or fail as a team
America has entrusted thousands of we started sharing with Airmen “If you happens. You may struggle in class, a and mutual respect is the foundation
its sons and daughters to my care. The follow NERDS, you will be successful.†loved one may be sick or die, breakups of success.
previous Secretary of Defense, James This is pulled from Doyle and Zakra- happen, disagreements happen, and
Mattis, emphasized the importance jsek’s book “The New Science of Learn- old friendships end. With the pressure Do the right thing for the right
of these service members in the 2018 ing,†which provides the fundamentals on you to perform well every day, get- reasons: The reasons are nation,
National Defense Strategy stating, “The of resiliency and the need for disciplined ting likes on Instagram or a few texts service, unit and mission. These drive
creativity and talent of the American conduct to achieve goals. They offer the will not be enough. A strong web is not our conduct as wingmen and leaders
warfighter is our greatest enduring NERDS acronym: Nutrition, Exercise, built with one strand, it’s built with an in service of something greater than
strength and one we do not take for Relationships, Discipline, Sleep. interlocking set of strands. ourselves. Always take the hard right
granted.†Our obligation as leaders of over the easy wrong.
these warfighters is best captured in a Nutrition: To optimize brain func- Discipline: Because of our oath of
single phrase, “To whom much is given, tion, learners — and we’re all learners service, our actions must be guided Lead by example: Air Force service
much is expected.†— must stay hydrated and eat healthy by the following priorities; the nation, is a human endeavor, and we are a social
foods. Particularly for those living on our service, our unit and the mission. species. We respond to the behavior of
As I reflect on the past two years, I their own for the first time, the dining To be most effective in meeting our our teammates. Regardless of rank,
offer three things for your consideration facility can be fraught with junk food obligations, we must practice the self- position or authority, we have influence
as good stewards, learners, and leaders: peril. However, you need to reduce sug- discipline to make positive choices over our teammates with our actions
NERDS are awesome. ars, increase complex carbohydrates, optimizing Nutrition, Exercise, Rela- and attitudes. I expect every Airman to
and stay hydrated. Although you may tionships, and Sleep. choose to be a positive influence on his
NERDS rule! get to see the dentist for cavities or the or her team.
Your leadership philosophy shapes medics because you pass out in forma- Sleep: You need seven and a half to
you and your team; and our purpose tion during one of my long-winded nine hours of sleep a night, even more Continuous improvement: We
matters. speeches, your plan of living on three for teenagers, to optimize neurological must improve ourselves and our teams
At the Presidio of Monterey, home of energy drinks a day is not going to help functions in the brain associated with to make the Air Force capable of main-
the 517th TRG and DLIFLC, most of you learn Mandarin. Did I mention veg- learning. Not only does sleep enable taining America’s advantage. Being the
our 3,000 students from all four service etables and staying hydrated? learning, it also helps our mood, im- most powerful Air Force in the world is
branches use buses to get around the proves our ability to handle whatever
Army post. If you pay attention, you Exercise: You need 30 minutes mini- life throws at us, and helps us prevent See reFleCtionS, Page 12
can often see three service members mum of aerobic exercise three times per disease. Choose sleep over social media,
sitting on a bus stop bench, looking at week to optimize your neurological ef- texting and gaming. Sleep is a miracle
their smart phones, and not talking to fectiveness as a learner. From a mental drug.
each other. I take an informal poll every health and resiliency standpoint, exer-
two weeks when I speak to Airmen at cise is powerful for fighting depression Your leadership philosophy
in-processing to find out how many of and anxiety. Plus, exercise is a perfect shapes you and your team: I highly
them got eight hours of sleep or more way to take a break from studying. recommend you develop a leadership
the night before. Typically, only 30 to philosophy, whether you lead a team of
40% of the Airmen say they got eight Relationships: A strong web of re- two or a global enterprise of thousands.
hours of sleep. lationships with the people around you Live by it. Communicate it. Be the
These are just a few indicators, along will optimize your effectiveness and change you want to see. My team has
with the number of mental health crises resilience. You must build relationships four parts. Essentially, it’s my person-
our Airmen are experiencing, we need with the people around you. Invest time alization of our service core values. It’s
in getting to know your classmates, the
Reminder to be safe, vigilant during holiday weekend
by DAVID BEECROFT targets to violent extremists. For that or security procedures site, like your profile page, a blog,
reason, we’ve captured some tips we • Loitering, parking or standing in public forum or photo caption. Be
Deputy director of Security Forces believe will be helpful for you and suspicious of unsolicited email mes-
your families. the same area over multiple days with sages or phone calls from individuals
Editor’s note: This commentary was no reasonable explanation asking for personal information. If an
first published July 2, 2015. Don’t cancel your plans, but do re- unknown individual claims to be from
mind everyone at work or at play to • Individuals wearing clothes not a legitimate organization, try to verify
WASHINGTON -- As we enter this exercise appropriate operational se- appropriate for the weather or season his or her identity directly with that
holiday weekend and enjoy the activi- curity and force protection procedures organization.
ties celebrating our nation’s indepen- while taking part in activities — real • Attempted or unauthorized access
dence, commanders and supervisors or virtual. to potentially sensitive areas The July Fourth weekend is in-
will remind us to focus on safety as tended to provide us with time for rest,
we participate in cookouts, fireworks Whether you’re at work, home or • If it looks suspicious or out of reflection, relaxation and fun as we
and outdoor fun. an outside activity, report suspicious place, report it gather with family and friends to cel-
activity to your local law enforcement ebrate the independence of this great
The safety of our Air Force commu- agency, base police or Office of Special As a general rule, when you’re nation. Others, like our security forces,
nities and our families is paramount. Investigations. Suspicious activity online, think about what you’re post- firefighters and other first responders,
While we encourage everyone to enjoy that warrants reporting may include: ing. Keep current on evolving privacy will be on the job. We need your help
their July Fourth celebrations, please restrictions on social media accounts every day. Have a safe Fourth of July
remember to exercise vigilance at all • Individuals with new or increased and be aware of online mentions of weekend.
times, especially through the upcom- interest in critical buildings and land- locations and activities, especially
ing holiday. marks with no reasonable explanation surrounding federal holidays and
military events.
These large gatherings in the Unit- • Suspicious observation of or un-
ed States or overseas are attractive usual questions about maintenance Never broadcast private contact
information or list your e-mail ad-
dress or phone number in any public