Page 5 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, July 2019
P. 5

Desert Lightning News                                    JUly 2019                               5



DOD seeks feedback on housing resident bill of rights

         by ZOE SCHLOTT                         sociates, Inc., a third-party consulting                                                                                                                                   Air Force graphic by Zoe Schlott
                                                firm. CEL will collect resident feedback
    Air Force Installation and Mission Support  and analyze the information on behalf       The Defense Department is asking current residents of military privatized housing to provide
                      Center Public Affairs     of the DOD. All information collected       feedback on a draft version of a Resident Bill of Rights. Families living in privatized hous-
                                                through the survey is confidential. If      ing can expect to receive an emailed letter from the Office of the Secretary of Defense which
   JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-                      you are a resident and did not receive      provides instructions on how to complete the survey which is being administered by CEL &
LACKLAND, Texas — The Defense                   the emailed letter by June 18, or you       Associates, Inc., a third-party consulting firm.
Department is asking current resi-              have questions and/or are experiencing
dents of military privatized housing            technical difficulties, call the toll-free
to provide feedback on a draft version          helpline at 800-482-6431, or contact
of a Resident Bill of Rights.                   CEL & Associates, Inc. via email at
   The Air Force is part of a tri-service       com.
initiative to create a Resident Bill of
Rights that identifies the basic housing           Participation is voluntary, but the
rights of service members and their             Air Force highly encourages its mem-
families living in privatized housing.          bers to take this opportunity to con-
                                                tribute their voices to improving
   “Our most important resource is our          privatized housing experience for
people. We must protect our people              service members and their families,
— our Air Force family — by ensur-              Beach said.
ing our privatized housing portfolio
provides safe and healthy housing,”                The Resident Bill of Rights is one of
said Col. Michael Beach, Air Force              60 initiatives the Air Force will com-
Housing program chief. “We value the            plete as part of its aggressive plan to
candid input of our Airmen. This is a           address housing issues, Beach said. In
real opportunity for them to influence          February 2019, Air Force commanders
change within the (military housing             conducted a health and safety review
privatization initiative) program for           with all residents in Air Force fam-
the better.”                                    ily housing. The Air Force used this
                                                feedback and other internal reviews
   Families living in privatized hous-          to identify systemic issues and plot
ing can expect to receive an emailed            an aggressive campaign to overhaul
letter from the Office of the Secretary         the program.
of Defense which provides instructions
on how to complete the survey which
is being administered by CEL & As-

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