Page 1 - Nellis Creech NTTR Bullseye, Dec. 2 2016
P. 1

Vol. 66 No. 37
                                                                                                                                                                                     December 2, 2016

99th mDSS pharmacy

streamlines inpatient medication processes

By Airman 1st class Kevin Tanenbaum                                                                                                                                                                          U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Kevin Tanenbaum

99th Air Base Wing Public Affairs                       Staff Sgt. Jeffrey Mante, 99th Medical Support Squadron inpatient pharmacy technician, works in the newly renovated
                                                        pharmacy in the Mike O’Callaghan Federal Medical Center on Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., Nov. 28. The pharmacy was
   NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. — The pharmacy at        recently overhauled in order to more efficiently serve customers.
the Mike O’Callaghan Federal Medical Center recently
innovated their inpatient medication process by imple-
menting barcode technology to multiple medication
dispensing machines throughout the medical center and
streamlining and safeguarding the way nurses receive
and dispense medications for patients here.

   The 99th Medical Support Squadron pharmacy up-
graded 18 PYXIS MedStation systems throughout the
medical center. The system is an automated medication
dispensing system that accurately dispenses medication
while supporting pharmacy workflows.

   “We load the machine with the most commonly
used medications, and when there is a need, ordered
by a physician, we use the software in the pharmacy to
interphase with the machine,” said Carmel Fauni, 99th
MDSS pharmacy technician. “Then the nurses are al-
lowed to access the precise location within the PYXIS
and remove the correct medication.”

   The new PYXIS machine has streamlined the
process in which the pharmacy provides inpatient
																 See pharmacy, on page 6

CATM: enhancing Airmen’s combat skills

By Airman 1st class Kevin Tanenbaum         Combat Arms Training and Mainte-         draw a weapon,” said Staff Sgt. Mathew     variety of weapons classes, to prepare de-
                                         nance at Nellis Air Force Base teaches the  Konkel, 99th Security Forces Squadron      ploying Airmen for whatever real world
99th Air Base Wing Public Affairs        proper use of the weapons Airmen use        assistant NCO in-charge of combat arms.    scenario that may be ahead of them.
                                         while deployed, permanently changing        “The biggest thing we do is train Airmen.
   NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. —         station, or fulfilling annual require-      Getting them out to the range so that if      “We have all the basic Air Force
When Airmen deploy, an essential part    ments.                                      they ever need to use that weapon, they    weapons classes offered: M4 carbine,
of being able to accomplish the mission                                              know how to use it properly.”              M9 pistol, M203 grenade launcher,
is being trained and prepared for what      “CATM’s mission is preparing deploy-                                                											See catm, on page 5
lies ahead.                              ers and PCSers in case they ever need to       The 99th SFS CATM offers a wide

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