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Vol. 80, No. 44                  March Air Reserve Base, California                                                        Friday, November 6, 2015

    NEWS BRIEFS                  229th Bravo Company deploys from March Field


       NOVEMBER 9
   The 2015 Federal Benefits
Open Season (for the 2016
plan year) runs from Monday,
Nov. 9, through Monday, Dec.
14. If you are enrolled in the
Federal Employee Dental and
Vision Insurance Program
(FEDVIP) plan, it will auto-
matically continue into the
2016 plan year, even if you
retire. You must take action
if you wish to make changes
or cancel. Visit BENEFEDS.
com to check the 2016 pre-
mium amounts, research plan
coverage and/or make chang-
es. For general questions,
visit the Education & Support
section at

       SARC HOSTS                                                                                                          U.S. Air Force photo/Capt. Perry Covington
                                 Senior Airman Francisco Gonzalez, 56th Aerial Port Squadron, March Air Reserve Base, works with his Army counterparts to
        RESILIENCY               double check the weight of each Soldier before loading him or her onto the aircraft for deployment.
                                 by Capt. Perry Covington                      ‘first’ as the Company is leaving from       willing to tackle.
   Are you interested in learn-  452 AMW public affairs                        March Air Reserve Base, Calif.                 “Deploying the B Company, 229th
ing more about the Mind and
Body connection and how             The 229th Unmanned Aircraft Systems           “This whole operation was extremely      Aviation Regiment out of March was truly
this can promote better over-    (UAS) Bravo Company deployed on Oc-           smoot between the Army and Air com-         a joint experience,” said Major Mark E.
all health? Then come join the   tober 24, 2015 from March Air Reserve         ponents. We couldn’t be happier,” said      Johnson, USAFR, Installation Deploy-
interactive and informational    Base to Northern Afghanistan to fulfill a      Captain Trenton Conyers, Assistant Op-      ment Officer, 452 LRS. “March tradi-
series of one-hour classes       9-12 month deployment that was one of         erations Officer 2916th aviation battalion,  tional reservists and AGR Airmen worked
based on the Benson-Hen-         the first from Fort Irwin, California, in      Fort Irwin. “Deploying the 229th created    alongside active duty US Army personnel
ry Institute for Mind Body       more than 10 years. The training facil-       a set of challenges we did not necessarily  to deploy a fledgling remotely piloted sys-
Medicine’s Resilient Warrior.    ity’s primary mission is to ready troops for  foresee, but we were all able to come to-   tem regiment which had not even existed
Classes are scheduled on the     CONUS (continental U.S.) and OCONUS           gether and get the job done.”               twelve months ago. In short, rapid global
A and B Unit Training As-        (overseas) operations. The 229th Bravo                                                    mobility empowering the warfighter.”
semblies through September       Company was created almost a year ago            Typically, a UAS company has almost
2016. Topics for the six-part    and is based at Fort Irwin, making them       two times the equipment requirement            The successful deployment of the 229th
series include                   the only deployable group at the post.        than a traditional company deploying into   UAS Bravo Company is an important step
                                                                               the area of responsibility. More equip-     in building a strong relationship between
   - Stress Reactions and Re-       This deployment also marks another         ment in turn demands more logistical ef-    Fort Irwin and March Air Reserve Base
laxation Response                                                              forts, efforts March ARB was ready and      for any future operations.

   - Getting Good Sleep
   - Mindfulness and a Posi-
tive State of Mind
   - Yin and Yang of Resil-
   - Yoga & Journaling
   - Social Connections &
   Time and Location:
   UTA Sundays, 11 a.m. -

             See BRIEFS page 3
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