Page 1 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, Sept. 27, 2019
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vol. 3, no. 20  Serving Southern Nevada’s military community, including Nellis, Creech and NTTR                                                              sept. 27, 2019

                        An Aerotech news And review publicAtion •

INNEr fIrE: Nellis firefighter finds his strength, earns 12 OAY

By Airman 1st Class Bailee Darbasie                                                                                                                          a transfer from Spangdalem to Nellis in
                                                                                                                                                             March of 2018.
Nellis AFB, Nev.
                                                                                                                                                                “Coming to Nellis saved my life,” con-
   It’s 7 a.m. on a warm Nevada morning.                                                                                                                     fessed Kehl. “I truly thought my career was
The bright desert sun is shining through                                                                                                                     over. I didn’t know what I was going to do.
the window as a towering 6’4” Airman                                                                                                                         But, Nellis gave me the second chance I
is snug on his couch, hunched over, nose                                                                                                                     desperately needed.”
buried in a book.
                                                                                                                                                                Taking control
   It’s part of his mandatory morning                                                                                                                           Since arriving at Nellis, Kehl has focused
ritual. He starts his day with a hot cup                                                                                                                     on improving and empowering himself
of coffee — no creamer. He strolls over                                                                                                                      through reading, prioritizing and effec-
to his crowded wooden bookshelf, grabs                                                                                                                       tively leading his Airmen.
whatever seems interesting to him that day                                                                                                                      To regain control of his mind despite
and begins his 20-minute reading session.                                                                                                                    the constant ringing in his ear, Kehl

   It’s a tedious task for some, but it’s about   Air Force photograph by Airman 1st Class Bailee A. Darbasie                                                                                         Air Force photograph by Airman 1st Class Bailee A. Darbasie
discipline for him. Reading is a method he
uses to feel in control of his body and mind.    Senior Master Sgt. Andrew Kehl, 99th                          Senior Master Sgt. Andrew Kehl, 99th Civil Engineer Squadron Fire Department deputy fire
                                                 Civil Engineer Squadron Fire Department                       chief, leads an exercise at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., July 29, 2019. The 99th CES provides
   Senior Master Sgt. Andrew Kehl’s              deputy fire chief, speaks with his Airmen                     design and construction support for facilities and infrastructure, fire protection, crash
gleaming smile and perfectly faded mili-         at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., July 11, 2019.                rescue, disaster preparedness and environmental compliance.
tary haircut make it difficult for the Air-      Since arriving at Nellis in March 2018, Kehl
men at the 99th Civil Engineer Squadron          has focused on improving and empowering                       peek through the dark clouds of his mind.     started with a small habit — daily reading.
Fire Department to imagine their deputy          himself through reading, prioritizing and                        “I recall thinking, Hey, you’re either        “Reading has helped me tremendously,”
fire chief as a man who struggles with           effectively leading his Airmen.
anything, especially control. Even his of-                                                                     going to be weak and let this overtake all    he explained. “I read the types of books that
fice is decorated with awards and trophies,      in his head to stop. But, it wouldn’t. The                    the great momentum in your life, or you’re    I know will help me on my path.”
and he was recently honored as one of            ringing persisted, getting louder and louder                  going to get up and say, ‘No! I want to play
the Air Force’s 12 Outstanding Airmen            the more he thought about it.                                 football with my son. I want to see him          When he first started training himself to
of the Year.                                                                                                   grow up, and graduate high school and         read every day, Kehl recalls not being able
                                                    Worried and confused, Kehl made an                         college,’” said Kehl. “That moment made       to read for more than five minutes before
   Living in darkness                            appointment with his doctor, who diag-                        me realize I needed to turn my life around    he was distracted by the ringing in his ear.
   Nearly two years ago, Kehl was in the         nosed his ringing as tinnitus, which is                       and get back on track.”                       Drowning out the noise, he can now read
darkest part of his life. He was in a fierce     the perception of sound when no actual                                                                      for 20 minutes at a time. The bookshelf in
battle with the negative emotions revolv-        external noise is present.                                       After many phone calls and late nights     his office is full of thick non-fiction books
ing around a dissolved marriage, which                                                                         researching his options, Kehl found a way     containing what he calls “all of the secrets
resulted in a geographical separation from          “I was at the lowest point in my life,” said               to reunite with his son and continue his      written right there in front of you.”
his son. He was mentally and emotionally         Kehl. “I was someone who was so used to                       career in the Air Force. He contacted his     												 See fire, on Page 3
exhausted. The normally carefree Kehl            being able to control everything; and now                     career field manager, who arranged for
everyone knew at Spangdalem Air Base,            that multiple aspects of my life were chang-
Germany, had become a sad shell of his           ing and out of my control, I felt helpless and
former self.                                     lost. I wasn’t able to get any work done, and
   Gloomy grey skies of Germany hung             I was letting a lot of people down.”
overhead, mirroring the darkness that
ensued him within, as he struggled to see           Finding hope
the silver lining of his situation.                 Succumbing to his depression, Kehl
   “The sun didn’t come out for almost a         stopped going to work and was facing seri-
month,” Kehl recalled. “My son was only          ous consequences. He sought help through
one year old when his mom and I split. She       the Military & Family Life Counseling
(moved) to Texas, and I stayed back. I was       Program, which allowed him mentally
with him every day until that point.”            and emotionally process the separation
   Just when he thought it couldn’t get any      from his son. After weeks of spiraling
worse, he woke up one morning to the             downward in his personal and professional
sound of an irritating, constant ring in his     life, he finally saw a glimmer of sunlight
left ear. His head hurt. He couldn’t think
straight. All he wanted was for the nuisance

INSIDE: Commentary – 2; News – 3-8; Nellis Living – 12-14; Lighter Side – 16
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