Page 1 - Nellis Creech NTTR Bullseye Oct. 21 2016
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Vol. 66 No. 34
                                                                                                                                                                                       October 21, 2016

Fire Prevention Week turns up heat!

By Airman 1st Class Nathan Byrnes                                                                                                                                                                                            U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Kevin Tanenbaum

99th Air Base Wing Public A airs           Jason Martinez, 99th Civil Engineer Squadron Fire Protection Flight re ghter, stands in the mock shell of an aircraft while performing
                                           controlled burn training at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., Oct. 6. The Nellis-Creech Fire Department hosted events throughout Fire Prevention
   NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. —           Week to educate and bring awareness to the importance of re safety.
Fire Prevention Week was held from
Oct. 9 to 15. is year’s campaign, “Don’t
Wait – Check the Date! Replace Smoke
Alarms Every 10 Years,” represented the

 nal of a three-year e ort to educate the
public about essential elements of smoke
alarm safety. e Nellis-Creech Fire De-
partment hosted events throughout the
week to educate and bring awareness to
the importance of re safety.

   “This year Nellis and Creech Air
Force Bases began our events for Fire
Prevention Week by participating in the
National Night Out at the Nellis Hous-
ing Community Center,” said Norman
Harp, 99th Civil Engineer Squadron re

   “ e Air Force is really good at mak-
ing sure we don’t have re incidents on
base and the biggest reason is because
of our fire prevention program,” said
Tech Sgt. Justin King, 99th CES NCO-
in-charge of logistics.

   “ e outreach is so big in the com-
munity that we were able to get out there
and give the right information on how to
prevent res.”
___________ See NCFD, on page 3

USAFWS scheduler’s award-winning expertise is ‘backbone’ of school

By Susan Garcia                            the back of the aircra hangar.            Geist is hard to miss. He towers over the  operations at the U.S Air Force Weapons
                                              “Goose!” he shouts. “I am so happy     people around him at a height of 6 feet    School help keep the school running
U.S. Air Force Weapons School                                                        5 inches. At the moment, though, Geist     smoothly and recently earned him the
                                           you’re the man in charge of scheduling    seems less imposing than usual. His long   Air Combat Command Civilian Pro-
   NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev.—            here at the school. You are the backbone  beard rests on his chest as he dips his    gram Specialist of the Year Award.
   e new squadron commander pauses in      of this place. I look forward to working  crew cut–crested head. His cheeks glow
the delivery of his speech at the change-  with you again.”                          red at the sudden attention.                  Managing flight operations at the
of-command ceremony. He searches the                                                                                            ______ See EXPERTISE, on page 3
crowd until he nds a person standing in       All heads turn toward the man the         Geist’s e orts as the chief of ight
                                           commander called “Goose.” Timothy

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