Page 5 - Nellis Creech NTTR Bullseye Oct. 21 2016
P. 5

Feature                                      5October 21, 2016
On Fire!
99th CES Fire Protection wins DOD Awards

By Airman 1st Class Kristan Campbell                   ery person on these two bases are our re-                                                                                              U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class James Thompson
                                                       sponsibility,” John said. “When you look
432nd Wing/432nd Air Expeditionary Wing Public A airs  at the Air Force mission and then you       Fire ghters assigned to the 99th Civil Engineer Squadron Fire Protection Flight, extinguish
                                                       look at the mission at Nellis and Creech,   a controlled re during a training exercise Sept. 23 at Creech Air Force Base, Nev. During
   CREECH AIR FORCE BASE, Nev.                         you’re hard pressed to nd another place     the burn, the re ghters were accompanied by three distinguished visitors.
— When it comes to fire protection                     whose missions are as important or as
and emergencies, Nellis and Creech Air                 unique as ours.”                                                                                                                       U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class James Thompson
Force Bases rely on trained specialists,
prepared for anything. The men and                        Last year, Nellis-Creech FES respond-    Fire ghters assigned to the 99th Civil Engineer Squadron Fire Protection Flight, celebrate
women of the Fire Emergency Services                   ed to 1,600 emergencies and provided        after completing a live burn exercise Sept. 23 at Creech Air Force Base, Nev. Fire ghters are
department have risen to the challenge                 rapid response to 33 building and aircra    required to complete a live burn exercise semi-annually to keep current on their training.
and they’ve earned the awards to prove it.
                                                        re emergencies with a response time of                                                                                             The 99th Civil
   The unit, also known as the 99th                    seven minutes maximum for standard                                                                                                  Engineer
Civil Engineer Squadron Fire Protection                emergencies and 60 seconds for pre- ight                                                                                            Squadron Fire
Flight, was recently named as the 2015                 emergencies.                                                                                                                        Protection Flight
Department of Defense Fire Department                                                                                                                                                      poses for a group
of the Year, in the Large Base category,                  “Our rst priority is life safety,” said                                                                                          photo Sept. 23
and DOD Fire and Emergency Services                    Senior Airman David, 99th CES Fire Pro-                                                                                             at Creech Air
Fire Prevention Program of the Year.                   tection Flight member. “We constantly                                                                                               Force Base, Nev.
                                                       train and pull 48 hour shi s at the re                                                                                              The squadron
   “Nellis AFB is very busy with 171                   station so we can stay ready to respond                                                                                             recently won
assigned aircra and 48,000 sorties a                   24/7. We practice live burns, take out
year, even planes from all over the world              our equipment, practice [operating with]                                                                                              ve Air Combat
[come here],” said John, 99th CES re                   them, and we never go into ght a re                                                                                                 Command
chief. “ en there’s Creech executing a                 alone. All of that training is the reason                                                                                           awards, four
mission day in and day out, eliminating                our re ghters are so e ective.”                                                                                                     Air Force level
enemy targets.”                                                                                                                                                                            awards and two
                                                          The flight recently had a chance                                                                                                 DOD awards for
      e ight also won ve Air Combat                    to demonstrate a hands-on live burn                                                                                                 demonstrating
Command awards and four Air Force-                     training exercise to a few distinguished                                                                                            a high degree of
level awards for 2015.                                 visitors.                                                                                                                           excellence in re
                                                                                                                                                                                           prevention and
   “When we’re out there doing the job,                   Col. Paul J. Murray, 99th Air Base                                            U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class James Thompson protection.
we’re not looking for credit, but it’s nice            Wing commander, Col. William J.
to be recognized for it,” said Rob, 99th               Norton, 99th Mission Support Group
CES Fire inspector. “ e fact that both                 commander, and Lt. Col. Michael A.
our prevention and operation sides of                  Freeman, 99th Civil Engineer Squadron
the house are being recognized for their               commander all visited the unit to get a
work speaks for itself.”
                                                        rst-hand look at how they control and
      e unit was judged on all aspects of              eliminate res while staying current on
the re department’s operations, re pre-                their training requirements.
vention, safety and training. In addition,
the unit was also judged on the depart-                   “We didn’t just bring them to show o
ment’s prevention e ectiveness through                 our Airmen, we did it to show our leader-
innovation, safety and education.                      ship how important it is that we keep the

   “Every building, every plane, and ev-                re departments operating with all the
                                                       right equipment to do the job,” John said.
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