Page 21 - Thunderbolt Nov. 2 2016
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Thunderbolt NEWS November 2016 21
marijuana, a weight scale and grinder in a commercial vehicle at the South Gate. Glendale police arrived, confis- cated drug-related paraphernalia and took control.
Oct. 21: Security forces responded to a report of a gas leak caused by a faulty part located on the stove at the 56th Force Support Squadron Youth Center. Personnel evacuated.
Oct. 22: Security forces and firefight- ers responded to a report of a medi- cal emergency in the commissary. An individual sustained lacerations on the lower left leg caused by a falling object. The individual was treated and released.
Oct. 28: Security forces responded to report of the smell of smoke at the Ex- change. Security forces responded and assisted with crowd control.
Nonemergency responses
Oct. 22: Security forces responded to
a report of two minors locked inside the 56th FSS YC. They were attending an event at Fowler Park and were search- ing for a restroom when they found the Youth Center door ajar. They entered and the door closed locking them in.
Alarm activations
Security forces responded to 13 alarm activations on base.
Tip of the month
As the old public service campaign so succinctly put it, “Speed kills.” Research has shown that the average driver has a 5-percent chance of being involved in an accident. For every 1-percent increase in speed, a driver’s chance for an acci- dent increases by 2 percent, the chance of serious injury increases by 3 percent and the chance of a fatality increases by about 4 percent.
and Lance Housh, 56th SFS
The 56th Security Forces Squadron handled the following incidents Oct. 3 through 30 at Luke Air Force Base:
Security forces issued citations for 66 moving and 12 nonmoving violations.
Traffic-related incidents
Oct. 4: Security forces responded to a report of a minor vehicle accident at the base exchange parking garage. There were no injuries.
Oct. 15: Security forces responded to a report of a minor vehicle accident at the Luke AFB Exchange parking garage. There were no injuries.
Emergency responses
Oct. 7: Security forces responded to reports of a suspicious person at Light- ning Gate. Security forces determined the individual was suffering from a mental health condition. Medical ser- vices were contacted and the individual transferred to a medical facility.
Oct. 16: Security forces and firefight- ers responded to a report of a medical emergency in base housing and per- formed self-aid-buddy care for a potas- sium imbalance. The individual was transferred to a local hospital.
Oct. 19: Security forces responded to a report of a civilian in possession of
Additional details available at
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