Page 13 - Desert Lightning News, So. AZ Edition, Aug. 4 2017
P. 13

n fight against isis
Photos by Senior Airman Ramon Adelan
kes off in an A-10 Thunderbolt. Rudolphi has filled a dual role in Operation INHERENT RE- fight against ISIS conducting A-10 flying missions with the 447th Air Expeditionary Group.
It utilizes a variety of bomb, missiles and a 30mm GAU-8 seven-barrel Gatling gun.
A maintainer from the 447th Expeditionary Aircraft Maintenance Squadron prepares Rudolphi for flight July 11 in an A-10 Thunderbolt II at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey. Ru- dolphi performs dual roles in Operation INHERENT RESOLVE as the commander
of the 407th EOSS in Southwest Asia and conducting A-10 flying missions with the 447th Air Expeditionary Group fighting ISIS.
Rudolphi conducts a preflight munitions check on an A-10 Thunderbolt II July 11 at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey.
Rudolphi, the 407th Expeditionary Operation Support Squadron commander, pre- pares to taxi to the flightline in an A-10 Thunderbolt II July 11.
Desert Lightning News August 2017 13

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