Page 1 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, March 2 2018
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We build the future of airpower                                                                                                                       March 2018
                                                                                                                                                                           Vol. 18, No. 3

Luke Air Force Base                          Living legend
   In its 77th year


                                             visits Luke …

 March 17 - 18                               Retired Brig. Gen. Chuck Yeager, 95, visited Luke Air Force                                                                   Staff Sgt. Jensen Stidham
                                             Base Feb. 13. The flying ace graduated flight training March
  Countdown                                  10, 1943, and received his wings while stationed at Luke Field.
                                             As part of Yeager’s 95th birthday celebration, he participated
 16 Days                                     in telling stories to Luke Thunderbolts about his Air Force
                                             career and time spent at Luke in the 1940s. He gained fame as
        Headliners                           the first man to fly faster than the speed of sound. This his-
                                             toric flight in the Bell X-1 aircraft took place Oct. 14, 1947, at
            • U.S. Navy Blue Angels          Muroc Dry Air Field, now Edwards Air Force Base, California.
            Demonstration Team
  • U.S. Air Force Academy Wings of Blue                                                                                                  Retired Brig. Gen. Chuck Yeager

   Other performers                          Luke medic administers life-saving aid after car crash

                  • U.S. Air Force                      Photo and story by                         “It was a weird accident because one          Rigby had been involved with the medical
       Heritage Flight - F-35A Team                        Senior Airman                        car had turned left a little bit too short,”  professions since he was a child. He’s been
                                                            RIDGE SHAN                          Rigby said. “I asked if anybody needed any    continually CPR certified since he was 9
            • Air Combat Command                                                                medical attention, and someone screamed       years old, the by-product of a lifelong jour-
A-10 Thunderbolt Demonstration Team                           56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs  the driver of the car which caused the ac-    ney, which included first-aid training in the
  • U.S. Marine Corps Harrier Demonstration                                                     cident was unconscious and foaming at the     Cub and Boy Scouts, an Emergency Medical
                                                On Jan. 16, 2018, Staff Sgt. Geoffrey           mouth.”                                       Technician certification in pursuit of an
    • Buck Roetman Aerobatic pilot in a      Rigby, 56th Medical Operations Squadron                                                          early firefighting career and his military
               Pitts S-2S Special            physical therapy technician, was sitting              Rigby moved in to assess the situation.    medical training as part of the Air Force.
                                             in his truck waiting on a red light at the         The driver was a large man, roughly 300
            • Dan Buchanan – glider          intersection of Dysart and Indian School           pounds in Rigby’s estimation. He was             Until now though, his emergency ex-
           • Gary Rower – Stearman           roads in Glendale.                                 leaned over the center console dripping       perience had consisted solely of training,
                                                                                                saliva from his mouth and, though unre-       and his years of medical work had been
             • Brad Wursten – MXS               A car suddenly veered into the intersec-        sponsive, had rapid, twitching eye move-      performed in clinics on conscious patients.
             • Bill Stein – Eduge 540        tion and struck oncoming traffic. Rigby im-        ment. It was clear to Rigby the man was
                                             mediately pulled to the side, turned on his        experiencing a seizure.                          “One of the things they taught me in EMT
              • Greg Coyler – T-33           hazard lights and got out to offer assistance.                                                   school is that if a patient is snoring, their
                 • Red Tail – P-51                                                                 Rigby quickly ran back to his truck to     airway is obstructed,” Rigby said. “In the
                                                                                                retrieve his first-aid kit. He put on a pair  case of a car accident, you always assume
             • John Klatt Air Shows                                                             of gloves and grabbed some sterile gauze.     there is some sort of cervical spine trauma
          • Bob Freeman – Extra 330                                                             Another individual at the scene had bro-      or neck trauma.”
   • Tora Tora Tora – Zeros and bombers                                                         ken the seizing man’s window and opened
         • Kirby Chamblis – Extra 540                                                           the door.                                        Rigby’s training reaffirmed him the tra-
  • U.S. Air Force Heritage Flight – F-35A                                                                                                    ditional CPR airway-opening chin lift tech-
                                                                                                   “I went into the front seat and the guy    nique would be potentially dangerous and
               • Desert Rats – CJ-5                                                             was still leaning over the center console,”   could exacerbate an already broken neck.
                                                                                                Rigby said. “He was unconsciously snorting
    Military Statics                                                                            and his breathing was labored.”                  “Instead, I held his head to stabilize his
                                                                                                                                              spine,” Rigby said. “At the same time, I
        • AH-64 • A-10 Thunderbolt II                                                           Staff Sgt. Geoffrey Rigby, 56th Medical       pushed my fingers behind his jaw and per-
  • B-1B Lancer • C-130J Super Hercules                                                         Operations Squadron physical therapy          formed a jaw thrust to open his airway. As
                                                                                                technician, poses Feb. 6 in the physical      soon as I did that, he stopped snoring and
         • C-17 • C-5 • F-15C • F-15E                                                           therapy clinic at Luke Air Force Base.        his breathing became normal.”
               • F-16 (x4, 54 FG)                                                               Rigby used his lifelong medical knowl-
                                                                                                edge and training to apply life-saving           Although the man was unconscious,
      • F-16 (69th Fighter Squadron)                                                            techniques to a car accident victim on        Rigby held his airway open and kept the
   • F-16 (Arizona Air National Guard)                                                          Jan. 16 in Glendale.                          man’s head stable for the five or so minutes

      • F-22 • F-35 (Japan) • KC-135                                                                                                                                                See medic, Page 5
          • KC-135 (AZ ANG) • KC-46
         • OA-X (Light attack winner)                Go to
           • T-38 • T-6 • UAV display        or use your smartphone to connect to our website!
                 • UH-60 • UH-72

     Civilian statics

         • Cessna 182 - Civil Air Patrol
         • Cessna 206 - Civil Air Patrol

  For information on what you can bring
             on base, see Page 5

  For more information on the air show,
go to
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