Page 1 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, February 5, 2021
P. 1
vol. 5, no. 3 Serving Southern Nevada’s military community, including Nellis, Creech and NTTR Feb. 5, 2021
An Aerotech news And review publicAtion •
A U.S. Air Force B-2 Spirit, assigned to the 509th
Red Flag 21-1 kicks oFF at Nellis Bomb Wing, Whiteman Air Force Base, Mo., lands at
Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., Jan. 22, 2021. The 509th
Bomb Wing is the lead wing in Red Flag 21-1 which
uses the Air Force’s premier military training area
with more than 12,000 square miles of airspace.
An Airman assigned to the 509th Bomb Wing,
Whiteman Air Force Base, Mo., walks across a
B-2 Spirit at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., Jan. 22,
2021. The B-2 is a multi-role bomber capable
of delivering both conventional and nuclear
munitions. Several B-2s are participating in Red
Flag 21-1 to demonstrate the capability of U.S.
Air National Guard photograph by Airman Thomas Cox global strike assets.
Southern Nevada residents may notice array of aircraft such as the F-22, F-35,
an increase in military aircraft activity F-16, EA-18G, F-15E and A-10. The 509th
through Feb. 12 as Red Flag 21-1 contin- Bomb Wing will take the lead wing posi-
ues at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. tion, and the B-1B Lancer and B-2 Spirit
Red Flag is one of the U.S. Air Force’s will integrate into the training, increas-
largest combat training exercises. ing interoperability.
The 57th Wing’s 414th Combat Train- The mission of the 414th CTS is to
ing Squadron conducts Red Flag exer- maximize the combat readiness, capa-
cises to provide aircrews the experience bility and survivability of participating
of multiple, intensive air combat sorties units. Red Flag exercises provide realis-
in the safety of a training environment. tic, multi-domain training in a combined
Each Red Flag exercise is unique and air, ground, space and electronic threat
Red Flag 21-1 is no different. environment while providing opportu-
“As Red Flag is aligned with our Na- nity for a free exchange of ideas between
tional Defense Strategy in support of the forces.
United States Air Force Warfare Center’s “Red Flag gives participating units
great power competition priority, we with different mission sets an oppor-
expanded the fight airspace, unleashed tunity to train together during a large-
our aggressor forces to challenge the force, joint interoperability live-fly ex- Air Force photograph by Senior Airman Dylan Murakami
training audience’s plan and punish their ercise,” said Senior Master Sgt. Michael
mistakes, and made it significantly more Consigny, 414th CTS superintendent. Army Combat Training Center at Fort world-class training to U.S. and allied
difficult to achieve desired effects on “This experience provides our Combat Irwin, Calif. aircrews year-round, COVID or not,”
surface targets,” said Col. William Reese, Air Forces combat-ready squadrons that The 549th Combat Training Squad- said Brig. Gen. Michael Drowley, 57th
414th CTS commander. “This Red Flag are prepared to integrate down range ron will direct, monitor and instruct air Wing commander. “Our team’s mission
is a much better training opportunity for today’s fight or any future near-peer operations in support of ground forces to prepare participants for the high-end
and will galvanize our coalition force conflict.” while the 12th Combat Training Squad- fight and great power competition con-
readiness to meet any high-end threat.” Concurrent to Red Flag, the U.S. Air ron will ready tactical air control parties, tinues unabated, and we’re confident the
Starting off the 2021 season, Red Flag Force Warfare Center’s 57th Wing is weather teams and brigade combat teams months of coordination and logistical
21-1 is hosting about 2,400 participants administering Green Flag-West, an air- to execute decisive, worldwide multi- planning we’ve poured into both Flags
from nearly 20 states, three nations and land integration combat training exercise spectrum combat operations. will enable their effective, simultaneous
several sister services and will include an conducted in conjunction with the U.S. “The 57th Wing is charged to provide success.”
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