Page 2 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, June 2019
P. 2
2 June 2019 Desert Lightning News
Ten seconds later, that picture still exists
C O M M E N TA R Y by LIZ JACOBSON The most effective way to keep informa- ing of nude photos: as a joke, to feel would never betray them, but we have
tion secure is to lock any social media sexy, or because of peer pressures. all seen the stories of a girl’s pictures
USAFE-AFAFRICA Public Affairs accounts and turn all privacy settings being spread around school as a prank
on. Many people spend their time click- Sending inappropriate photos is or because she made someone mad.
Editor’s note: This commentary was ing on pictures and profiles but it is not a joke nor will it boost a person’s These situations are so damaging to a
first published in April 2015. impossible to know who is viewing your confidence. While it may be a thrill at person’s confidence and reputation. It
profile. It could be a friend from school first, the psychological damage could is common to think that someone in a
RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany or it could very easily be an online deteriorate a girl’s or boy’s self-esteem. close circle is not going to end up like
— There is a conversation many teen- predator. Before friending or accepting Everyone experiences peer pressure at those girls or boys, but it can easily
agers have had with their parents or anyone’s follow request, it is necessary some point in his or her lifetime, but happen to anyone with just the click
friends, me included. to actually know who they are. Social your body, whether you are male or of a button.
media is a great tool for keeping in female, is yours.
“Hey, don’t worry! It’ll be fine; all of touch with friends, new or old, and The number of people sharing in-
the pictures I send disappear after ten family members, but it is important to For teenagers, Snapchat is the appropriate pictures is increasing.
seconds. That’s how Snapchat works.†use caution and be responsible. most common app where pictures are Sources say that 1 in 5 teenagers are
shared. Snapchat is available for any- sharing provocative photos, but it may
While many teenagers share only I have many friends who pride them- one, regardless of age and it is based be even scarier that the senders are
their silly, cross-eyed, quadruple- selves on the fact they have over one, on the idea of pictures disappearing getting younger. It is hard to imagine
chinned faces with friends, there are two, or ten thousand followers. This is forever after 10 seconds. Despite this, that 7th and 8th grade students are
teenagers sending inappropriate con- a dangerous because it is impossible to it is easy to either screenshot the pic- sending such mature content, but it is
tent that “will disappear.†be safe with so many unknown people ture or use a third-party app that will happening.
seeing so much of their lives. save the picture automatically for you.
High school students all feel a cer- These pictures can be used against the I have a younger sister and I believe
tain level of anonymity or safeness that That behavior and feeling of in- sender at the receiver’s convenience. that it is my job to warn her and edu-
does not exist while using the internet vincibility starts early. This attitude cate on her on the dangers of sexting
and apps like Tinder, Emerald, Cha- towards sharing everything on the in- Even two people who have a trusting and online predators. Everyone in high
troulette, Instagram, and Snapchat. ternet can and has led to unfortunate, relationship should not partake in this school should be doing this as well.
Unfortunately, it is incredibly simple yet completely avoidable situations. kind of activity for two reasons: First, Do not encourage it by talking about
for the receiver to take advantage of Why do so many teenagers participate it could be considered illegal. Second, how much fun and how safe it is in
the sent content, and though the pic- in an activity that can have so many it can easily be shared or shown to oth- the locker room. Do not make it seem
ture may disappear after 10 seconds, it bad repercussions? ers that are not the intended audience. okay to these young, impressionable
can actually last a lot longer than that. girls and boys. Do not be afraid to stand
While these apps can easily be used Teenage girls reported to Dosome- According to, 17% up against pressures of sending inap-
inappropriately, the apps themselves and the National Campaign of “sexters†share the messages they propriate photos across the internet.
are not bad, but should just be used to Prevent Teen Pregnancy that there receive with others, and 55% of those
responsibly. are three major reasons for their send- share them with more than one person.
Everyone wants to believe their friends
It is easy to protect yourself from
online predators, but it is rarely done.
Creating high performance through job satisfaction
by 1st Lt. goal is to be off an hour early next Friday, you
KRIS LEE can align the personal goal with the organiza-
tional goal. This is one way to achieve external
321st Missile Squadron motivation, but our focus is on creating internal
motivation – creating high performance through
F.E. WARREN AIR FORCE BASE, Wyo. job satisfaction.
— Do you like your job? Do your Airmen like
their jobs? If you answered no, why? How you American psychologist Frederick Herzberg
answer those questions can say a lot about your found that job dissatisfaction and job satisfac-
organization. Believe it or not, you can create a tion are not related. The factors that lead to
better workplace for your Airmen. dissatisfaction are not the same as those that
lead to satisfaction.
At the bare basics, think about what people
need and want from a job. Abraham Maslow’s Hygiene factors leading to job dissatisfaction
book, “A Theory of Human Motivation,†tells us are: policy and administration, supervision,
that each person has a hierarchy of needs: physi- relationship with supervisor, work conditions,
ological, security, belongingness, esteem and salary, relationship with peers, personal life,
ultimately self-actualization needs. Money is a relationship with subordinates, status and
prime motivator to work, but job satisfaction re- security.
quires much more. It requires a job that creates
belongingness, esteem and self-actualization. It Motivator factors leading to job satisfaction
requires opportunities for growth, advancement are: achievement, recognition, the work itself,
and achievement. responsibility, advancement and growth.
This is where you, the leader, come into play. While these lists certainly aren’t all-inclusive,
A primary goal of leadership is to influence the it points out a very important concept: keeping
performance of followers to accomplish a goal. “hygiene factors†in check is important to keep
That’s easy to say, but putting it into practice can be convoluted and confus- people from becoming dissatisfied, but you will
ing. Performance is the product of ability and effort. If the ability is low, it is not create satisfaction and motivation by focusing all of your attention there.
unlikely any amount of effort will result in high performance. Likewise, if the People find true job satisfaction when their need for self-actualization is ful-
effort is low, high performance is doubtful. If your team’s performance is low, filled – when you provide them with opportunities that lead to achievement,
you must ask which area is lacking: ability or effort. We assume your people recognition, increased responsibility, advancement and growth.
are properly trained so the question becomes, “How do I influence my people Creating genuine opportunities takes intentional planning. In my career
to put in more effort?†field, missile operations, I found that a good place to start is by changing the
way authority is delegated.
Everyone has personal goals and every organization has goals for mission Some of my crew commanders have taken care of the “commander roles†such
success. To influence people to put in more effort, one approach is to align as delivering the mission planning brief, making tactical decisions in simula-
people’s personal goals with the goals of the organization. If your organizational tor training and taking care of the administrative duties. That left me feeling
goal is to complete paperwork with zero errors, and you have an Airman whose