Page 3 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, June 2019
P. 3

Desert Lightning News                                                 June 2019                                                                                                                            3



D-Day Doll revisits Normandy after 75 years

                   by retired Lt. Col.                       Carrier Group launched from Royal Air Force Alder-                                    The D-Day Doll, tail number 830, flew three mis-         SPOTLIGHT
                    JERRY BRYANT                             maston Airfield, each one towing a Waco glider. Their                                 sions on June 6 and 7, 1944. The Doll stayed in
                                                             mission carried reinforcements for troops from the                                    the fight after D-Day and flew in Operation Market
                                Old Pueblo Daedalian Flight  101st Airborne Division who had jumped in earlier,                                    Garden in Holland, the resupply of Bastogne, then
                                                             near Utah Beach. Among these aircraft was the D-Day                                   pushed on across the Rhine flying a variety of
   TUCSON, Ariz. — It happened on June 6, 1944               Doll, tail number 830. The Doll flew three missions on                                support missions.
— the most massive invasion in history.                      June 6 and 7.                                                                         12,000-mile journey across the U.S., Atlantic and nine
                                                                                                                                                   countries and returned to Normandy. The first stop
   Securing an Allied foothold on the European conti-           The Doll stayed in the fight after D-Day, flying in                                in this journey was Tucson, home of the Old Pueblo
nent commenced with aerial and naval bombardment.            Operation Market Garden in Holland, the re-supply                                     Daedalian Flight 12. The Flight used the occasion of
Shortly after midnight, an airborne assault to insert        of Bastogne, then pushed on across the Rhine flying                                   the Tucson stopover to present its donation, as well
24,000 U.S., British and Canadian troops took place to       a variety of support missions and evacuating wounded                                  as a donation from Daedalian National Headquarters
help pave the way for the beach landings that would          to England.                                                                           to support this historic mission.
take place later that morning.
                                                                The D-Day Doll was one of 159 C-53D Skytrooper
   At 1:19 a.m., 52 aircraft assigned to the 434th Troop     aircraft produced. Built at the Douglas factory in
                                                             Santa Monica, California, she was delivered to the
             Old Pueblo                                      Army Air Force on July 7, 1943, and arrived at RAF
          Daedalian Flight                                   Aldermaston in March 1944.

       The Old Pueblo Daedalian Flight meets at                 Today the D-Day Doll still flies, thanks to the Inland
    11:30 a.m. the third Thursday of the month               Empire Wing of the Commemorative Air Force located
    September through May at Club Ironwood.                  in Riverside, California. In 1957, Lloyd Nolen, and a
    For more information on becoming a Daeda-                small group of former military pilots, purchased a
    lian, contact retired Lt. Col. Jerry Bryant at           P-51 Mustang. They were on a mission to preserve                                          military aviation history. The CAF now has almost
                                                             13,000 members and a fleet of more than 165 aircraft
                                                             representing more than 60 airframes.

                                                                On May 8, 2019, the D-Day Doll began a seven-week,

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