Page 5 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, June 2019
P. 5

Desert Lightning News                                                 June 2019                                                                                 5

                                                                                                                           Thrift Shop

Air Force pays up to $500 for                                                                                             for the summer
spouse relicensure after PCS
                                                                                                                                June 27 - Aug. 2
   Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs                 platforms we operate or the technologies we employ; it          Will REOPEN Aug. 3
   ARLINGTON, Va. — The Air Force recently an-               is our Airmen and their families. Family readiness is
nounced the spouse relicensure reimbursement program,        Airman readiness,” said Air Force Chief of Staff Gen.      Hours of operation:
which would provide financial relief up to $500 to Airmen    David Goldfein.                                            9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
whose spouses must obtain state occupational relicen-                                                                   Tuesdays, Wednesdays,
sures or recertifications during a permanent change of          The new policy will allow for reimbursement of          first Saturday of the month
station or assignment across state lines.                    relicensing fees including exams, certifications and
   The Air Force will reimburse qualifying relicensure       registration, and will cover occupations such as teach-      5950 E. Quijota Blvd., Bldg. 6040
and recertification fees incurred during PCS/PCAs au-        ing, cosmetology, real estate and nursing. Qualifying
thenticated on or after Dec. 12, 2017.                       relicensing costs must be incurred and paid after and       Questions? Call 520-207-9275
   “Part of taking care of Airmen and families means         within 24 months of the date the member’s PCS/PCA                     Facebook page is
making it easier for spouses to continue their careers       orders are authenticated.
after a military move,” said Secretary of the Air Force                                                                  Davis Monthan Thrift Shop  
Heather Wilson. “This policy reduces financial burdens          “We can’t do enough to support Air Force families.
and makes the professional careers of our Air Force          This is a positive step in the right direction to support
spouses more portable.”                                      our spouses as they pursue their own careers,” said
   The 2018 National Defense Authorization Act autho-        Shon Manasco, assistant secretary of the Air Force for
rized the military services to reimburse service members     manpower and Reserve affairs.
for occupational state relicensing and recertification
costs their spouses incur due to a PCS/PCA. While some          Airmen and spouses can find more information about
states authorize reciprocity for certain types of occupa-    this program at
tional licenses, not all states do, resulting in the spouse  ments/Employment-Resources/.
needing to update a license or certification according to
the new state’s requirements.                                   General information about career and education
   “The strength of the nation’s Air Force is not the        programs for spouses is available from an installation’s
                                                             airman & family readiness center, the Department of
                                                             Labor website at,
                                                             and the Department of Defense Spouse Education and
                                                             Career Opportunities Program at https://myseco.mili-

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