Page 3 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, Oct 5 2018
P. 3

Desert Lightning News october 2018 3
NATO E-3A finds final home at 309th AMARG
Senior Airman Mya Crosby
A NATO Airborne Early Warning & Control Force E-3A rests Sept. 11 on the Davis-Monthan Air Force Base flightline. This AWACS aircraft is the third to retire from the NATO AEW&C Force at the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group.
Publisher ..............................................................Paul Kinison Business manager ...............................................Lisa Kinison Editor .......................................................... Deborah Leuthold Advertising representative................................Sandi Bueltel Designer ............................................................... Emma Uribe
Printed by Aerotech News and Review, Inc. 877- 247-9288 •
Aerotech News and Review prepares all editorial content for Desert Lightning News. The editor will edit or rewrite submitted material for clarity, brevity or to conform to the Associated Press Style Guide, local policy and Air Force style as required by Air Force Instruction 35-101. Contributions for Desert Lightning News can be emailed to the editor at Submission deadlines are the 15th day prior to the month of publication. Submissions will be based on space available and priority. Desert Lightning News uses information from Davis-Monthan Air Force Base Website, the Armed Forces Information Service, Air Force News Service, Air Combat Command, staff writers and other sources. All advertising is handled by Aerotech News and Review, 220 E. Ave. K4, Suite 7, Lancaster, CA 93535. For business advertising, call 877-247-9288 or email Sandi Bueltel at For classified advertising, email Military members must call the 355th Fight- er Wing Public Affairs Office at 520-228-3406 for all submission requests.
Desert Lightning News is published by Aerotech News and Review, a pri- vate firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force, under written agree- ment with the 355th Fighter Wing. Contents of Desert Lightning News are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department of Defense or the Department of the Air Force. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement of the products or services advertised by the DLN, DOD, Air Force or Aerotech News and Review. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physi- cal handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the pur- chase, user or patron.
Chapel Services
Desert Dove Chapel
Daily Mass: 11:30 a.m. Monday through Friday
Saturday Mass: 5 p.m. Sunday Mass: 10 a.m.
Sunday services, Hope Chapel
Contemporary Service: 9 a.m.
Gospel Service: 11:30 a.m.
Children’s Church is available
Sunday School: 10 to 11 a.m.
Sunday, “The Loft” Bldg. 3610 (Second Floor
Day Room)
Dorm meal 5 p.m.
For more information, call 520-228-5411
NotiCe to CLAimANts
In accordance with Air Force Instruction 34-511, paragraph 3.1.5, notice is hereby given that Senior Airman Manuel A. Perez- Sales, 355th Logistics Readiness Squadron, is deceased. The un- dersigned has been appointed Summary Court Officer for the purpose of estate settlement in accordance with AFI 34-511. All persons having claims against the estate are hereby on notice to present their claims. Claims must be presented by mailing or presenting a written signed statement to 2nd Lt. Blake Don- ovan, at 520-228-0799, via email at

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