Page 2 - Aerotech News and Review – July 2024
P. 2

 2 July 2024
STUDENTS, from Page 1____________
tions few times until they got it right,” said Nick Cantrell, Teacher at Branch Elementary School.
Next, students painted and named the rock- ets. The inclusion of art in this STEM endeavor gave students a sense of pride and ownership. It fostered creativity, self-expression, commu- nication and compromise, as students worked in teams that didn’t necessarily have the same ideas and preferences.
Finally, students watched their rockets launch from a safe distance. As their rockets soared into the sky and came back to the ground through the smoke they produced, the time, work and efforts put into this proj- ect made sense. The atmosphere was filled with excitement and joy. Individual rockets performed differently, inciting the students to think critically and explain why. Each rocket’s round trip only took a few minutes, but had a lasting impact on the students.
“The students developed a growth mindset that they will carry with them throughout their lives,” said Cantrell.
Southern California
  Students from Irving Branch Elementary School watch as one of their rockets lifts off at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif.
Air Force photograph by Nicolas Cholula
      Air Force photograph by Laisa Leao
Students at Irving Branch Elementary School at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., built, painted and launched 12 rockets as part of a practical science, technology, engineering and mathematics project. This hands- on experience allows the student to extend what they have learned in the classroom to the real world.
Air Force photograph by Laisa Leao
Students at Irving Branch Elementary School at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., assemble their rockets.
LEFT: Students at Irving Branch Elementary School at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., measure a component as part of a practical science, technology, engineering and mathematics project.
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Air Force photograph by Laisa Leao
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