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Fort Irwin Legal Assistance Office
provides free tax filing services
High Desert Warrior January 2022
From FIRES, Page 1
Photo by Capt. Evan Cain
An M1A2 Abrams SEP V2 main battle tank, assigned to Cold Steel Troop, 1st Squadron, 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, fires a M865 target practice cone stabilized discarding sabot with tracer on Dec. 9, 2021, at the National Training Center and Fort Irwin training area.
Photo by Capt. Evan Cain
An M1A2 Abrams SEP V2 main battle tank, assigned to Cold Steel Troop, 1st Squadron, 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, fires a M865 target practice cone stabilized discarding sabot with tracer on Dec. 9, 2021, at the National Training Center and Fort Irwin training area.
An M1A2 Abrams SEP V2 main battle tank, assigned to Cold Steel Troop, 1st Squadron, 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, fires a M865 target practice cone stabilized discarding sabot with tracer on Dec. 9, 2021, at the National Training Center and Fort Irwin training area.
By CPT Ethan T. Dick
Benjamin Franklin noted at the advent of our republic that only two things in our world are certain; death... and taxes.
Fort Irwin Legal Assistance Office helps year-round with the former by assisting with the free preparation of wills, but for a few months every year, we have the privilege of supporting our clients with their taxes as well. See below for what you need to know to take advantage of this service.
Our tax preparers receive two weeks of training from the Franchise Tax Board and IRS Officials. Each tax preparation is reviewed by the Tax Center NCOIC, SFC Elena Malautea, who received an additional week of training from U.S. Army JAG Corps Tax Attorneys. All taxes prepared at the Fort Irwin Tax Center are filed at the end of the tax season, which is April 15, 2022.
Who Qualifies?
All Active-Duty service members of all branches, dependent spouses, Reservists and National Guard service members who are on active-duty orders for at least 30 days, and retirees, to include medically retired and their spouses, qualify for free tax preparation services.
Tax services are not available for multiple investment properties or home-based busi- nesses except for day care services.
What to Bring?
What you will need to bring with you varies upon your circumstances but each client will need their wage and earning statements (W- 2, W-2G, 1099-R, and other 1099’s), photo identification, copy of previous year’s tax re- turns, checkbook for bank routing and account numbers, and a social security card or copy for themselves and all claimed family members.
Please bring supporting documentation for the following as well if applicable: educational expenses, charitable contributions, owned real estate/ rental property income to include the mortgage interest statement (1098), vehicle registration from DMV (if you pay a vehicle property tax), day care receipts with the provid- ers information and total amount paid, and any other investments to include cryptocurrency if realized (year-end brokerage statement).
The Tax Center begins operations on Jan. 24, 2022. We are co-located with Client Ser- vices and TDS in BLDG 230 on C Avenue and 3rd Street. We look forward to helping as many members of our community as possible this coming tax season.
For more information, call 760-380-1043.
It’s not often that tanks are fired from outside the vehicle, but this day, the crew conduct- ed final firing preparations at the rear of the tank. Firing the main gun from outside the ve- hicle verifies that the main gun is functional, and demonstrates to the crew that they will be safe when operating the tank and sitting inches away from the main gun.
Kyle Bossard, a 19K, M1 Armor Crewman, crouched behind the armored vehicle with the rear bumper number labeled “C-20” alongside Troop Master Gunner, Staff Sgt. Ste- phen Holtzclaw, preparing to make history in the Regi- ment. The words “Cold Steel” printed in bold black lettering across the 120mm smoothbore M256 cannon recoiled as Pfc. Bossard initiating the remote firing device.
At 12:01 p.m., the first munition, a M865 target prac- tice cone stabilized discarding sabot with tracer, or TPCSDS- T, erupted out of the M1A2 Abrams SEP V2 gun tube. Troopers assigned to Cold Steel jumped in excitement at the momentous occasion after the sabot flew down range as they knew their hard work had made history in the Regiment.
Pfc. Bossard was selected by his leadership to remote fire the tank because of the amount of dedication he put into making sure the tank was able to fire. Bossard was the tip of the spear to ensure the tank was mission capable and motivating his fellow platoon members to do the same.
“After the round went off it felt like ‘victory,’” said Bossard. ”It was nice to see that all of our work paid off and it worked in the end.”
Cold Steel Troop will qualify their tank crews while simulta- neously supporting the Nation- al Training Center’s Decisive Action rotational schedule. The National Training Center trains rotational training units, joint, interagency, and multinational partners to build and sustain readiness to fight and win.
“To be able to lead a Troop through train up and main- tenance and watch their hard work payoff was very exciting,”
said Sgt. 1st Class Benjamin Lim, Cold Steel First Sergeant. “Seeing the dedication of Cold Steel Troopers come to life in that first round down range was a truly humbling experience.”
Troopers that conducted 11th Armored Cavalry Regi- ment’s first M1A2 SEP V2 remote live fire were:
Pfc. Jacob Blundell, as- signed to Red Platoon, Cold Steel Troop, 1st Squadron, 11th ACR
Pfc. Kyle Bossard, assigned
to White Platoon, Cold Steel Troop, 1st Squadron, 11th ACR
Spc. Edwin Lopez, assigned to Maintenance Platoon, Cold Steel Troop, 1st Squadron, 11th ACR
Spc. Henry Williams, as- signed to Maintenance Platoon, Cold Steel Troop, 1st Squad- ron, 11th ACR
Remote fire was conducted under the direct supervision of Staff Sgt. Stephen Holtzclaw, Troop Master Gunner.
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