Page 4 - Fort Irwin High Desert Warrior, August 2022
P. 4
High Desert Warrior August 2022
Reflecting co-dependency
Are you codependent on someone or something? There is a high majority of people who have experienced co-dependency through someone or something in their lives. The cycle of co-dependency is the co-dependent person feels impaired and/or helpless in the relationship while viewing themselves as victims.
Co-dependency often affects relation- ships, family members, friendships, and/or co-workers of a person afflicted with depen- dence on someone or something in an un- healthy manner. In the past, a co-dependent
person was described as possessing biological dependency, forbearance on others, or be- ing in a relationship with addicted people. People who struggle with co-dependency are alleged to have been raised amidst dysfunc- tional family dynamics.
Scripture teaches about co-dependency in Galatians 1:10 (ESV), “For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still try- ing to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.”
It was easy to persuade men while sta- tionary with the task to induce God. The easy route became attractive for personal or professional gain. However, Scripture does not negate the original concept of co-dependence (interdependency) of being equally responsible to others while sharing a common set of principles. For example, in the case of relationships, the 7 Army Values teach selfless service which is seen to work as a team to accomplish the mission. This was echoed in the “Golden Rule” of doing unto others as you want them to do unto you. Lastly, couples (husbands and wives), accord- ing to Scripture indicate that both spouses are equally yoked and must depend on each other to complete or endure all things.
Although interdependency was estab-
lished for productivity, it was distorted and used to support addictions, abusive people, and/or being emotionally affected by rela- tionships suffering from a chronic mental or physical illness. These compulsive behaviors cause a person to possess poor self-esteem; when this occurs, the person begins to pursue anyone or thing outside of themselves to clinch on to feel better. Some of these com- pulsive behaviors are workaholics, gambling, and/or undiscriminating activities. Those who serve as benefactors to individuals with compulsive behaviors try to rescue them from experiencing difficulty.
Repeated rescue attempts become a problem for benefactors as they believe they are rescuing the needy individual; however, they are enabling destructive development by allowing the needy person to become more unhealthily co-dependent. It is important to recognize when the caretaking becomes compulsive, and seek aid from either Chap- lains, Behavioral Health (BH) therapists, or Military Family Life Consultants (MFLC). Several of the signs of co-dependent people are:
Lack of trust in self and/or others Difficulty identifying feelings
Struggle adjusting to change Complications with intimacy/boundaries
Poor communications
Difficulty making decisions
Treatment. The first stage in changing
unhealthy compulsive behavior is to under- stand it. It is important to educate people about the cycle of co-dependency and how it extends into their relationships. Treating co-dependency often involves the assessment of early childhood issues of disparaging pat- terns. This means co-dependent individuals must rediscover themselves, identify self- sabotage behavior patterns, get in touch with feelings that have been buried during childhood, and be optimistic in the process of rebuilding relationship dynamics. On a healthy level, this will support and allow needy people to independently mitigate their feelings of insecurities that lead to co- dependency.
If you need to talk about problems out of your control, please seek out your chaplain or call 760-380-3562 and schedule an ap- pointment. It is important to note that you are not alone, I encourage NTC/Fort Irwin community to work successfully through the problems and enjoy a rich and fulfilling life. Blessings to our Soldiers, DA employees, and their Families.
Pro Deo Et Patria
S.V.H.S (8)
North Loop Bst 22 (Garlic Springs) 5:50 13:05 15:20 North Loop Bst 20 (Starbright) 5:52 13:07 15:22 North Loop Bst 18 (Gold Nugget) 5:53 13:08 15:23 North Loop Bst 16 (Conttontail Ln) 5:55 13:10 15:25
S.V.H.S (9)
Lewis Elementary 06:10 13:10 15:25
S.V.H.S. (10)
Apennines Park 6:08 13:05 15:20
Commander’s Loop 6:12 13:08 15:23
S.V.H.S (11)
Normandy & Selarno 6:05 13:25 15:30
Lewis (k) (12)
Between 2004 & 2006 Salerno 7:09 12:09 14:09 Apennines Park (Yellow Fire Hydrant) 7:12 12:12 14:12 Barstow Rd. & Commander’s Loop 7:16 12:16 14:16 Cactus Corner Daycare 7:18 12:20 14:20
North Loop Bst 25 (Soda Mtn) 7:21 12:15 14:15(13) North Loop Bst 24 (Owlshead) 7:22 12:17 14:17(13) North Loop Bst 23 (Lane Mtn) 7:23 12:19 14:19(13) North Loop Bst 22 (Garlic Springs) 7:24 12:21 14:21(13) North Loop Bst 21 (Sweetwater) 7:25 12:23 14:23(13)
Lewis Elementary 7:30
Lewis (1st2nd)
Between 2004 & 2006 Salerno 7:40 12:42 14:42 Apennies Park (Yellow Fire Hydrant) 7:44 12:47 14:47 Barstow Rd. & Commander’s Loop 7:47 12:53 14:53 North Loop Bst 25 (Soda Mnt) 7:50 12:55 14:55 North Loop Bst 24 (Owlshead) 7:51 12:57 14:57 North Loop Bst 23 (Lane Mtn) 7:52 12:59 14:59 North Loop Bst 22 (Garlic Springs) 7:53 12:49 14:49 North Loop Bst 21 (Sweetwater) 7:55 12:51 14:51
Tiefort /Fims (12)
Lewis Elementary (Tiefort Only) 8:04 13:28 15:28 North Loop Bst 17 (Bighorn) Tiefort Only 8:15 13:36 15:36 North Loop Bst 16 (Cottontail Ln) 8:17 13:37 15:37 North Loop Bst 15 (BURRO) 8:19 13:38 15:38
5th & Badger 8:22 13:45 15:45
Fort Irwin Middle School 8:28
Lewis K (13)
North Loop Bst 20 (Starbright) 7:14 12:25 14:25 North Loop Bst 19 (Blue Bell) 7:16 12:26 14:26 North Loop Bst 18 (Gold Nugget) 7:17 12:27 14:27 North Loop Bst 17 (Bighorn) 7:18 12:28 14:28
North Loop Bst 16 (Cottontail Ln) 7:19 12:29 14:29 North Loop Bst 15 (BURRO) 7:20 12:30 14:30
5th & Badger 7:25 12:33 14:33
Lewis 1st 2nd
North Loop Bst 20 (Starbright) 7:34 12:53 14:53 North Loop Bst 19 (Blue Bell) 7:36 12:55 14:55 North Loop Bst 18 (Gold Nugget) 7:38 12:57 15:57 North Loop Bst 17 (Bighorn) 7:39 12:59 14:59 North Loop Bst 16 (Cottontail Ln) 7:40 13:01 15:01 North Loop Bst 15 (BURRO) 7:41 13:03 15:03
5th & Badger 7:43 13:05 15:05
NorthLoopBst 23(LaneMtn)TiefortOnly8:0013:2515:25 North Loop Bst 21 (Sweetwater) 8:02 13:27 15:27 North Loop Bst 20 (Starbright) 8:04 13:29 15:29
North Loop Bst 19 (Blue Bell) 8:06 13:31 15:31
North Loop Bst 18 (Gold Nugget) 8:08 13:33 15:33 North Loop Bst 17 (Bighorn) FIMS Only 8:10 13:35 15:35 Fort Irwin Middle School 8:15
Tiefort Intermediate 8:25
Silver Valley Unified School District Bus Routes
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