Page 3 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, July 6 2018
P. 3
Desert Lightning News July 2018 3
IMA’s forward momentum lands her two major
by Senior Master Sgt.
12th Air Force Master Sgt. Jessica Pierce, 355th Fighter Wing Legal Office individual mobilization augmentee, is the Air SPOTLIGHT
Combat Command senior NCO Reserve Paralegal of 2018 and Individual Reservist Senior NCO of the
An Air Force Reserve individual mobilization Year for the Air Force.
augmentee at Davis Monthan Air Force Base was
recently recognized at Air Combat Command and Air legal clients, 82 courts-martial, 4,600 individual tax military members, attracting recognition for her
Force Reserve-levels for work she performed in 2017. returns, and the elimination of the Arizona Depart- office to include the Air Combat Command Large
ment of Motor Vehicles out-of-state tax form for all Legal Office of 2017 award.
Master Sgt. Jessica Pierce, attached to the 355th
Fighter Wing Legal Office as the IMA to the law of-
fice superintendent, is the ACC senior NCO Reserve
paralegal of 2018 and Individual Reservist senior
NCO of the Year for the Air Force.
Pierce’s outstanding efforts came at a crucial time
in the 355th FW legal office when she was called
upon to fill a void left by the retirement of the office
superintendent at one of the busiest military justice
offices in the Air Force.
In July 2017, the legal office realized the upcom-
ing retirement of the superintendent would pose a
problem since the inbound superintendent would not
arrive until January 2018. The legal office conducted
the fourth highest number of general courts-martial
in the Air Force and the forecast for 2018 would prove
no different. Office leaders immediately looked to
Pierce to mitigate the shortfall in leadership.
Despite her busy civilian career as a public school
counselor, and with the support of her school lead-
ership, she volunteered and was approved to go for
a five-month tour of duty with her attached legal
office, where her duties included courts-martial
preparation, legal assistance and acting as law office
Pierce’s strength in teamwork is a testament to
the outstanding results that were obtained through
the collaboration of active-duty and Reserve Airmen.
During her time as law office superintendent, she
prepared the legal office for a biannual three-star
Judge Advocate Headquarters Air Force inspection.
Her abilities guided the 26-member office to an “Ex-
cellent†rating in the five-tier grading system.
Pierce also oversaw the assistance of some 5,800
Chapel Services Sta PU announces local graduates
Catholic Publisher ..............................................................Paul Kinison Bachelor of Science
Business manager ...............................................Lisa Kinison • Dustin Brewer,criminal justice administration/law
Desert Dove Chapel Editor .......................................................... Deborah Leuthold enforcement, Tucson
Daily Mass: 11:30 a.m. Monday through Advertising representative................................Sandi Bueltel • Justin Brown, management/marketing, Tucson
Designer ............................................................... Emma Uribe Chelsea Farrington, management/human resources,
Friday Tucson
Saturday Mass: 5 p.m. Printed by Aerotech News and Review, Inc. • Jack Gardiner, management/computer informa-
Sunday Mass: 10 a.m. 877- 247-9288 • tion systems,Vail,Arizona (Also named outstanding
Aerotech News and Review prepares all editorial content for Desert Lightning graduate)
Protestant News. The editor will edit or rewrite submitted material for clarity, brevity or to • Timmy Gilder, criminal justice administration/law
conform to the Associated Press Style Guide, local policy and Air Force style enforcement, Marana, Arizona
Sunday services, Hope Chapel as required by Air Force Instruction 35-101. Contributions for Desert Lightning • Robert Gilsinger, management/computer informa-
Contemporary Service: 9 a.m. News can be emailed to the editor at Submission tion systems, Tucson
Gospel Service: 11:30 a.m. deadlines are the 15th day prior to the month of publication. Submissions will be • Jonathan David Hall, information and computer
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Sunday, “ e Loft†Bldg. 3610 (Second Floor Air Force News Service, Air Combat Command, staff writers and other sources. • John Lane, management, Tucson
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Dorm meal 5 p.m. Sandi Bueltel at For classified advertising, email • Karlette Melendez, information and computer
For more information, call 520-228-5411 Military members must call the 355th Fight- science/data management, and information and
er Wing Public A airs O ce at 520-228-3406 for all submission requests. computer science/networking and security, Tucson
Desert Lightning News is published by Aerotech News and Review, a pri- • KrishnaAsma Millhoff,criminal justice administra-
vate firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force, under written agree- tion/corrections, Tucson
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