Page 4 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, July 6 2018
P. 4

4                                                                           July 2018                                                             Desert Lightning News

Col. Campbell                                            
hosts all call
before D-M exit                                                    Motivated, dedicated Airman step above

                    by Airman 1st Class                                  Story and photo by                    tunately, the Air Force provided “There’s a lot behind the scenes that
                     FRANKIE MOORE                                         Airman 1st Class
                                                                           GIOVANNI SIMS                       an opportunity for him to keep his I don’t talk about, but even on a bad
                                355th Fighter Wing Public Affairs
                                                                            355th Fighter Wing Public Affairs  strong-willed spirit.                                    day I want to be a positive person
   Col. Scott Campbell, 355th Fighter Wing commander,
held a final all call June 1 with the 355th FW team at                They may be dramatically vis-            “I love to compete, but after my smiling and laughing. That’s just
Davis-Monthan Air Force Base.                                      ible – a missing limb or facial scar.       injury I was unsure if competing who I am.”
                                                                   They may also dwell beneath the             was still a reality,” he said. “Luckily I Peach continues to be inspired
   Campbell discussed the successes of the base and its Air-       skin’s surface as mental trauma that        attended an Air Force Wounded War- and motivated by friends and fam-
men during his command, where he sees the Air Force going          persists long after its elicited events.    rior adaptive sports camp and all the ily while teaching his children that
in the future, what he has learned as D-M’s commander              For many veterans, their wounds             doubt was gone, and a fire was lit.” “You can do anything you put your
and answered questions from the Airmen in attendance.              are obstacles, but for one there is         Peach was selected to join more mind to.”
                                                                   nothing that can hinder his strive          than 150 athletes at the 2018 Air “My biggest inspiration is my fam-
   “I’m very proud to have seen this installation grow and         for excellence.                             Force Wounded Warrior Games trial ily,” Peach said. “Both my children
improve over the past two years,” Campbell said. “This base                                                    camp at Nellis Air Force
will continue to prosper far into the future.”                        After serving 14 years, a misfor-                                                                 are special needs and
                                                                   tune occurred that prevented Tech.          Base, Nevada, where
   Though this was Campbell’s last all call as the 355th           Sgt. Derrall Peach Jr. from legally                                                                  one reason I do this is
Fighter Wing commander, he will continue to serve the Air          doing his job as a ground transpor-         he qualified, along with
Force as the United States Air Force Academy’s vice com-           tation craftsman with the 355th                                                                      to let them know they
mandant of cadets in Colorado Springs, Colorado.                   Logistics Readiness Squadron.               39 others, to make the
                                                                                                                                                                        are capable of obtaining
   “It’s been my honor to command and to serve the Airmen             “Last January, I was injured lifting     Air Force team. Each
of D-M,” Campbell said. “It’s been an awesome two years as         weights,” Peach said. “I was having                                                                  their goals even if they
the wing commander here and I appreciate all of the efforts        headaches and blurred vision, and I         athlete participated in
you all have put forth for us as an Air Force.”                    eventually ended up in the hospital                                                                  look impossible. I want
                                                                   for a week. I had completely lost           the tryouts for various
                                                                   all central and peripheral vision in                                                                 to show them I’m not
                                                                   my right eye and doctors found le-          sports to include archery,
                                                                   sions on my brain that were causing                                                                  letting these disabili-
                                                                   chronic migraines.”                         rowing, seated volleyball,
                                                                                                                                                                        ties stop me, and they
                                                                      Peach now serves as an adminis-          wheelchair basketball,
                                                                   trator with the Airman and Family                                                                    shouldn’t either.”
                                                                   Readiness Center, but as a natural          swimming, track and
                                                                   competitor, he needed an avenue                                                                      Peach competed in
                                                                   to hone his competitive edge. For-          field and many more.
                                                                                                                                                                        the 2018 Department of
                                                                                                                  Though there were Peach trains for the
                                                                                                               many challenges Peach shot put field event in            Defense Warrior Games
                                                                                                               faced along the way, stay- May at Davis-Monthan          and won a gold medal
                                                                                                               ing true to himself was Air Force Base. Peach            in the 50-meter back-
                                                                                                               important for him, his competed in the 2018              stroke; silver medals in
                                                                                                               family and his team- Department of De-                   the 50-meter freestyle,
                                                                                                                                                                        100-meter freestyle,

                                                                                                               mates.                             fense Warrior Games shot put and discus
                                                                                                               “People have this mis- at the U.S. Air Force events; and a bronze
                                                                                                               conception that every- Academy in Colorado medal in the 88.01-107-
                                                                                                               thing is good,” he said. Springs, Colorado.              k powerlifting category.

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