Page 6 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt – July 2024
P. 6

By Senior Airman EliAS CArrEro
56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs
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  “Service is everything,” said retired U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. David Kling. “My son in law, his father and I served together here at Luke.”
However, it was not just members of the Emerald Knights who came out to support the retired pilot. During his visit, Kling was surrounded by over 20 family members, seven of which have served or are currently serving in the armed forces.
Families with a strong history of service, like Kling’s family, are a shining example of how one’s dedication can have an impact on those who come after. One member of Kling’s family went on to speak about how their “Pop Pop’s” selfless nature has helped shape and guide their extended family for years.
In 1952, Kling joined the Air Force at 18 to become an aerial photographer. Fast forward to 2024, he celebrated his 90th birthday with a tour of his old fighter squadron, the 308th Emerald Knights.
“Heritage is important to the 308th FS and the Air Force because it unites us around culture and traditions,” said Black. “It builds pride in the unit and reminds us that we stand on the shoulders of those that have served before us.”
“It is a privilege for us to be able to honor Lt. Col. Kling during this visit,” said U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Brett Black, 308th Fighter Squadron commander. “We get the extremely rare opportunity to hear stories from someone who flew as part of the 308th FS in combat during the Tet Offensive in Vietnam and who trained fighter pilots at Luke in the 1960s.”
“I really appreciate the hospitality extended to me and my family by Lt. Col. Brett “Jack” Black and the 308 FS,” said Kling. “The Knights went above and beyond! It made a special day even more special for us all. The best parts of my career were the two assignments as instructor pilot at Luke and the year I spent in Vietnam. At Luke, I was
Of the 152 fighter squadrons ever active in U.S. Air Force history, the 308th FS is the 10th most highly decorated unit. Throughout his time at Luke, not only did Kling help build that history and inspire a generation of Airmen, he has also impacted several more through his family.
As one of the oldest living alumni of the 308th FS, Kling had many stories to share with his fellow Emerald Knights. From his journey as an aerial photographer to a pilot in the 1950s, to his time rooming next to Johnny Cash while in Korea, to his time as the wing commander’s instructor pilot at Luke AFB, Kling shared his story with about 30 members of the 308th.
able to develop my flying skills by teaching young lieuten- ants how to employ the F-100 in combat and then apply them in Vietnam.”
   U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Brett Black (center), 308th Fighter Squadron commander, shows an F-35A Lightning II to retired Lt. Col. David Kling (right) and retired Lt. Gen. Burton Field (left) during a heritage tour, May 31, 2024 at Luke Air Force Base, Ari- zona. Kling is a former instructor pilot for the 308th FS and spent most of 1968 flying in Vietnam. While in Vietnam, Kling flew 300 combat missions supporting troops on the ground and pursuing enemy aircraft.
Retired U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. David Kling (right) shows Lt. Col. Brett Black (center), 308th Fighter Squadron commander, photos from his time with the 308th FS during a heritage tour, March. 31, 2024 at Luke Air Force Base.
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  U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Brett Black (right), 308th Fighter Squadron commander, shows an F-35A Lightning II to retired Lt. Col. David Kling (left) and his family, dur- ing a heritage tour, May 31, 2024 at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona. Of the 152 fighter squadrons ever active in U.S. Air Force history, the 308th FS is the 10th most highly decorated unit. As an homage to those who helped build that history, Black person- ally led the tour for Kling and his family.
RigHT: Retired U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. David Kling (center left), speaks with U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Brett Black (center right), 308th Fighter Squadron commander, on the flight line during a heritage tour, May 31, 2024 at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona.
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