Page 1 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, February 2022
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Vol. 15, No. 2                 Serving Southern Arizona’s military community, including Davis-Monthan Air Force Base    February 2022
                             Look for expanded coverage in the digital edition of Desert Lightning News
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               INSIDE                          Rescue Group Airmen help save hiker

                                               in Chiricahua National Monument


             Future Guardians, 3
                                                    By Senior Airman          four aircrew members and two
             Super Bowl flyover, 4                   ALex MiLLeR             pararescuemen from the 48th RQS.
                                                                               “The Cochise County Search
                                                          355th Wing          and Rescue Team stayed with the
             Hoops and Honor, 5                 A joint rescue mission with the   unconscious patient until we were
                                               563rd Rescue Group, the Arizona   able to arrive the next morning,”
             Joint Training, 8                Cochise County Sheriff’s Office   said U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Justin
                                               Search and Rescue Team and the   Wood, 48th Rescue Squadron para-
                                               Arizona Department of Public   rescueman. “Due to the terrain, we
             FEAtUrE                           Safety saved an unconscious and   had to hoist down from 150 feet off
                                               severely hypothermic 67-year-old   of the ground to the patient’s posi-
                                               hiker at the Chiricahua National   tion to get him situated into our
                                               Monument in Wilcox, Arizona, Jan.   stretcher and hoisted him back up
                                               8, 2022.                       into the helicopter.”
                                                 CCSOSAR were notified of a    The HH-60 hovered at an eleva-
                                               missing hiker around 7 p.m., Jan.   tion of around 7,300 feet with wind
                                               7, and hiked towards his last   gusts up to 30 mph in the steep,
                                               known location along with the AZ-  rocky terrain of the Chiricahua
                                               DPS’s rescue helicopter searching   Mountains, the largest mountain
                                               from the air. The hiker was located   range of Arizona’s Sky Mountains.
                                               and needed to be extracted, but the   This added to the challenge of res-
                                               AZDPS’s rescue helicopter could   cuing the hiker.
                                               not land due to the high winds and   The HH-60 pilots and enlisted
                                               tall trees in the area. The CCSO-  aviators were graduates of the
                                               SAR needed a helicopter with a   Army’s  High Altitude Aviation
                      Airman 1st Class Josey Blades   rescue hoist.           Training School (HAATS), which
                 Green FlaG-West                 The 563rd RQG’s 55th Rescue   was critical to the safe and expe-
                               See Page 6 & 7  Squadron was notified at 3:49 a.m.,   dient hoist work. This training is
                                               Jan 8, and responded with their   designed to increase situational
                                               HH-60G Pave Hawk equipped with
                                               a rescue hoist with a 200-foot cable,      See rESCuE, Page 2

             Continue to get Davis-Monthan                                                                                                         Courtesy photo
             Air Force Base latest news and                                                                                 U.S. Air Force pararescuemen from
            information from these sources:                                                                                 the 48th Rescue Squadron hoist an
               http://www.aerotechnews.                                                                                     unconscious and severely hypothermic
                 com/davis-monthanafb                                                                                       67-year-old hiker into an HH-60G Pave
                   and social media
                   Desert Lightning News                                                                                    Hawk from the 55th RQS at the Chirica-
                                                                                                                            hua National Monument in Wilcox, Arizo-
                Date of publication                                                                                         na, Jan. 8, 2022. This was a joint rescue
                  First Friday                                                                                              mission with the 563rd Rescue Group,
                                                                                                                            the Arizona Cochise County Sheriff’s
                    of the month                                                                                            Office Search and Rescue Team and the
               Submission deadline                                                                                          Arizona Department of Public Safety to
            15th day of the month                                                                                           save the hiker.
           prior to date of publication                                                                                     LEFT: Airmen from the 55th Rescue
                Veterans                                                                                                    Generation Squadron pose for a photo
                                                                                                                            at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ari-
                                                                                                                            zona, Jan. 12, 2022. These maintainers
                   Tell us Your Story                                                                                       prepared the 55th Rescue Squadron’s
             Active-duty, Reserve, Retirees                                                                                 HH-60G Pave Hawk in record time in
           All military branches are included                                                                               order to save an unconscious and se-
            Email name, phone number and a                                                                                  verely hypothermic hiker at the Chir-
           brief description of your service to                                                                             icahua National Monument in Wilcox,
                                                                                                         Senior Airman Alex Miller   Arizona.
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