Page 1 - Nellis Creech NTTR Bullseye Nov. 18 2016
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Vol. 66 No. 36
                                                                                                                                                                                    November 18, 2016

Aviation Nation highlights “75 Years of Airpower”

By Airman 1st class Kevin tanenbaum                                                                                                                                                                                           U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Kevin Tanenbaum

99th Air Base Wing Public Affairs           Members of the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds demonstration team prepare for take-off during the Aviation Nation air Show on Nellis
                                            Air Force Base, Nev., Nov. 11. The Thunderbirds perform precision aerial maneuvers demonstrating the capabilities of Air Force high
   NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. —            performance aircraft to people throughout the world.
Aviation Nation, the Nellis Air Force
Base’s air show and open house, took
place Nov. 12 and 13, showing off numer-
ous acts from past and present while giv-
ing the community the chance to interact
with Airmen.

   “Nellis, Creech and the Nevada
Test and Training Range have enjoyed
decades of support from the communi-
ties across Southern Nevada,” said Col.
Paul Murray, 99th Air Base Wing com-
mander. “The open house and air show
is just one way to give back and show our
gratitude for all the support the commu-
nity provides to our Airmen.”

   The air show offered members from
the community and those who travelled
from abroad for a chance to view multiple
acts and experience the unique aspects of
what occurs at Nellis AFB.

   “Ranging from Vicky Benzing’s 1940
World War II Stearman, to present day
5th Generation fighters like the F-22 and
F-35, variety and heritage are showcased
this year,” said Murray. “With more than
100 static displays bringing in everything

						 See airpower, on page 5

Retiring QF-4 stops in at Aviation Nation

By staff sgt. Kristin High                     The aircraft was highlighted during  New Mexico, performed the aerial acts     them in 1997, it gave them a second
                                            Nellis Air Force Base’s Aviation Na-    during the show.                          lease on life.”
99th Air Base Wing Public Affairs           tion air show Nov. 12 and 13, allowing
                                            more than 300,000 spectators from          “[The QF-4 retiring] is bittersweet,”     The QF-4 is a remotely controlled
   NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. —            around the world, the opportunity to    said King, 82nd Aerial Target Squad-      target, which simulates enemy aircraft
After more than 60 years of service,        witness one of its final performances.  ron Detachment 1 commander. “It’s         maneuvers. QF-4s are basic F-4s reconfig-
the QF-4 Aerial Target, modified from                                               been a phenomenal workhorse for our       ured for unmanned flight and are used in
the F-4 Phantom II, will officially            Lt. Col. Ron “Elvis” King and Jim    country for years. When the military      												See QF-4, on page 5
retire from service.                        Harkins, pilots from Holloman AFB,      revitalized the aircraft after retiring

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To connect                                  Nellis Bullseye                         75 years of airpower                      Health & Wellness .............. 16
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