Page 4 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt – February 7 2025
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February 7, 2025 News Thunderbolt
L4 uke AFB DFAC closure, Food 2.0
By 56th Force Support Squadron
56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs
The Luke Air Force Base dining facility will be closing in 2025 for renovations. Below is key information pertaining to the DFAC closure and how these renovations will improve the service and quality of food service to its patrons.
When and why is the DFAC closing?
The Ray V. Hensman Dining Facility closed Feb. 2, 2025 for upgrades. The Food Transformation Initiative will consist of upgrades to the DFAC and Flight Kitchen front of the house, serving lines and parts of the building’s infrastructure (i.e. bath- rooms).
What is the Food Transformation Ini- tiative?
To modernize the DFAC, food operations will change to a full-service café offering diverse selections of cuisines from around the world. This will increase food options for customers to include hot pizza, a pasta station, hot entrees, soup, and a deli sta- tion. The directive is aimed at enhancing food quality, variety and availability while focusing on the changing needs, lifestyles, and culinary preferences of today’s Airmen When will the DFAC re-open?
The project is estimated to last for ap-
US Air Force photo by Airman Tekorey watkins
An image of the expected layout of Food 2.0 set to arrive summer 2026, at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona. The Food 2.0 program aims to provide them with a variety of meal choices such as smoothies, soups, deli, and more.
etc.) will be done after the qualifying event and will reflect on the LES as a DEBT. No debt notification letter will be sent, and no waiver packages will be allowed.
What resources are available to help Airmen learn how to manage their personal finances?
The Military & Family Readiness Center (MFRC) is postured to support and educate Airmen on personal financial readiness. They can provide individualized assistance and assist in creating spending plans and budgets, and help Airmen build resiliency. What resources are available if Airmen would like to learn how to cook?
The 56th Force Support Squadron Food Services Team, in partnership with the Luke AFB Operational Support Team, will offer basic cooking classes to provide a solid foundation in cooking techniques, kitchen safety, and meal preparation. To sign up for classes or for more information, please reach out to the DFAC Management or ADL teams. What other food options on base will be available to dorm residents while the DFAC is closed?
Club Five Six, the Base Exchange Food Court, Shoppette, Commissary, and Food Trucks remain available. Grab & Go micro markets will expand to the T-bolt café dining area and the library (already implemented).
proximately 16 months, with a target re- opening in Summer 2026.
Who will be allowed to eat there?
The DFAC will be open to all customers who have base access and not limited to only dorm residents/meal cardholders.
I live in the dorms, how will this change BAS entitlements in my paycheck
All Airmen who live in the dorms will re- ceive BAS II. For CY 2024, this is currently $920.50 a month; however, this is subject to change in CY 2025. The anticipated start
date is Feb. 1, 2025, (DFAC closure date) and will terminate when the DFAC re-opens or when an Airman vacates Unaccompanied Housing.
What happens if a Dorm Airman takes leave or deploys while receiving BAS II?
Per the DOD Financial Management Regulation, Vol 7a, members do not qualify for this entitlement while on leave, TDY, de- ployment or hospitalized. Any adjustments for periods of non-entitlement (leave, TDY,