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Vol. 80, No. 29                      March Air Reserve Base, California                                                       Friday, July 24, 2015

    NEWS BRIEFS                      Massage therapy relaxes members during UTA

   Are you aware that if you
plan on transferring any or all
of your educational benefits to
your dependents, you MUST
have a minimum of four years
left in the military at the time of
the transfer? The exception is if
you are getting out due to reach-
ing your high year of tenure or
something else that is beyond
your control. Contact the educa-
tion office or the local Veteran’s
Administration office for spe-
cific details.



   The August 14-16 and Sep-
tember 25-27 Yellow Ribbon
events are now open for regis-
tration for eligible members.
For more formation, contact
1st Lt. Shelley Lawrence, your
452nd Air Mobility Wing Yel-
low Ribbon representative, for
details at 951-655-4615.

   MILITARY DENTIST                                                                                                                                                   U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Noelle Reyes
          FOR UTAS
                                     Massage therapy students from The American College of Healthcare (ACH), Riverside, give complimentary massages to Team March
   The 452nd Aerospace Medi-         members during a June 2015 Unit Training Assembly. As part of the Healthy Base Initiative, the 452nd Aeromedical Staging Squad-
cine Squadron will provide a         ron’s mental health department organized the event and invited the ACH to teach and encourage various relaxation techniques.
military dentist available each
Friday prior to the A and B          by Senior Airman Noelle Reyes              Medicine Squadron locations, where per-       ing from physical therapy to Swedish and
UTAs through the September           452nd Aeromedical Staging Squadron         sonnel were encouraged to participate and     Thai massages.
joint UTA. The dentist’s hours                                                  enjoy a brief moment of relaxation during
are 8 – 11 a.m. and 1 – 3 p.m. If       Military members from squadrons         the workday.                                     The event received resounding posi-
you or anyone in your squadron       across the wing visited the 452nd Aero-                                                  tive feedback.
needs a military dental exami-       medical Staging Squadron (ASTS) to re-        “The goal was to provide well-deserving
nation, please go to the dental      ceive complimentary massages, given by     military members with a beneficial service       “It was so convenient to have massages
clinic during the hour of op-        students from The American College of      we can offer,” said ACH instructor Lynn       available here, because I’d never have time
eration. Individuals must be on      Healthcare (ACH), Riverside. Massage       Maison. “They experience unique stressors     to get one between work and watching my
military status to be seen. No       tables and chairs were set up in a make-   which can take a huge toll on their bodies.”  children,” stated one Team March member.
appointments accepted. Walk-         shift spa using some office space. Calm-                                                 “It felt great right after my Fit-to-Fight test
ins will be seen on a first come,    ing, nature sounds were played in the         The mental health flight from the 452      this morning!” exclaimed another.
first served basis.                  background, and the lights were dimmed     ASTS organized the event and invited the
                                     to aid in relaxation.                      ACH to teach and encourage various relax-        Col. Darrin Lambrigger, 452 ASTS
       TAP VIRTUAL                                                              ation techniques, consistent with March’s     commander, presented an ACH repre-
CURRICULUM POLICY                       The ACH students visited March Field    Healthy Base Initiative.                      sentative with a squadron coin in sincer-
                                     during the June B Unit Training Assembly,                                                est appreciation.
   Implementation of the Vet-        providing more than 200 massages to Team      Massage therapy students volunteered
erans Opportunity to Work            March members. The courtesy event took     their personal time to participate in the        “We love the idea of giving back to a
(VOW) Act of 2011, under H.R.        place at the 452nd ASTS and Aerospace      weekend-long event, and performed a           group of people in our own community
                                                                                wide variety of specialty massages rang-      who do so much for our country,” said
            See BRIEFS page 3                                                                                                 Maison.
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