Page 1 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, August 21, 2020
P. 1
vol. 4, no. 19 Serving Southern Nevada’s military community, including Nellis, Creech and NTTR Aug. 21, 2020
An Aerotech news And review publicAtion •
57th WG welcomes new commander
by Airman 1st Class Bailee A. Darbasie said Novotny. “You’ve poured your blood, sweat and
Nellis AFB, Nev. tears into the mission and I’m so grateful. It’s been the
pleasure of my life to serve with you. I will miss this
The 57th Wing at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., is of- greatly, and I wish General Drowley the best of luck as
ficially under new management after a modest change we all sit back and watch the amazing things the 57th
of command ceremony Aug. 7, 2020, in the Lightning is going to do.”
Aircraft Maintenance Unit hangar. Drowley, who previously served as the commander
Incoming commander, Brig. Gen. Michael “Johnny of the 355th Wing at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base,
Bravo” Drowley took command of the wing from Brig. Ariz., has a history of leading combat Airmen. He
Gen. Robert Novotny in a ceremony presided over by
Maj. Gen. Charles Corcoran, United States Warfare
Center commander.
“Tactics, testing, and training — those are the three
primary mission sets that the Warfare Center provides
and the 57th Wing has the lead on two of those,” said
Corcoran. “The 57th Wing is a special wing and a special
wing deserves a special leader.”
“The vital mission of the 57th Wing leaves no time
to rebuild, we have to reload,” continued Corcoran. “It
Air Force photograph by Airman 1st Class Bailee A. Darbasie
was pretty clear that Johnny Bravo was the guy. He has Brig. Gen. Michael Drowley, incoming 57th
excelled in everything he’s ever done in the Air Force, Wing commander, addresses the wing for
at every level of command, and I have no doubt he will the first time during a change of command
continue to do that here.” ceremony at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., Aug.
As the new commander, Drowley will now lead the
most diverse flying wing in the Air Force including four 7, 2020. Drowley commissioned in 1996 upon
graduating from the U.S. Air Force Academy
groups and 37 squadrons. His primary mission will be in Colorado Springs, Colo.
to develop professionals who lead advanced, realistic, Air Force photograph by Airman 1st Class Bailee A. Darbasie
multi-domain tactics and training focused on winning Brig. Gen. Robert Novotny, outgoing 57th Wing commander,
air combat operations. poses with his family for a photo after receiving the Legion will continue to add as much fuel as I can and strive to
For his role in leading such a diverse mission and of Merit during a change of command ceremony at Nellis take the wing to greater heights,” Drowley said during
wing so successfully, Novotny was presented the Legion Air Force Base, Nev., Aug. 7, 2020. During the ceremony, his first address to the wing.
of Merit for advancing the lethality of the wing and Novotny was presented the Legion of Merit for the He concluded the ceremony with his admiration for
enabling the integration of two groups into a singular outstanding leadership he provided during his two years the hardworking Airmen at the 57th WG and outlined
advanced training operations group. with the wing. his expectations as the new commander.
During his closing remarks to the wing, Novotny “When our nation calls for our readiness as we get
expressed his gratitude to the men and women of Team ready for the next great power competition or that next
Nellis. commissioned in 1996 upon graduating from the U.S. great adversary, the 57th Wing is going to lead the way,”
“I feel resolved, proud and excited today,” said No- Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colo. He is a said Drowley. “Whether it’s the operations groups,
votny. “I feel that way because I’m giving the wing to command pilot with more than 2,400 fighter hours in weapons school, the Thunderbirds, or maintenance …
an incredible man and patriotic friend, Johnny Bravo. the A-10C Thunder Bolt II, including more than 200 that is where our leadership will come from who stand
No matter what challenges come your way I know you’ll combat hours. ready to take us to the next level. Today, I offer you this
tackle them and make the 57th Wing better.” “I don’t know how you exceed a flight path vector promise, I owe this wing so much and I can’t wait to re-
“Thank you to the men and women of the 57th Wing,” that’s going straight up, so my promise to you is that I pay it every day with service and being your wingman.”
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