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Luke Air Force Base Quick Facts
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The Thunderbolt is the official digital and print news publication of Luke Air Force Base.
Print edition: 10,000 distributed the first Friday, monthly
Digital edition posted to a highly targeted audience on Facebook comprised of military, civilian and contractor personnel.
Digital Average Monthly Reach: 12,167
Posted on community Facebook groups in Phoenix.
Posted on and
Over 4,800 Facebook Subscribers and growing daily. Posted on LinkedIn.
Payroll: Approximately $633 million
Total Economic Impact in AZ: $748 million Personnel: Total approximately: 10,414
-Military: 5,210 -Dependents: 5,996 -Contractor: 1,248 -Civilian: 2,063
-Retired: 65,000 -Rotational exercise: 194 -Reserve: 1,699
Projected increase/decrease in personnel:
Luke AFB was selected as the Preferred Alternative
Training Site for F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.
Major Units: The wing is composed of four groups,
27 squadrons, including eight fighter squadrons,
56th Fighter Wing, 56th Operations Group,
56th Maintenance Group, 56th Mission Support Group and 56th Medical Group. The 54th Fighter Group, located at Holloman AFB, NM, is assigned to the
56th Fighter Wing. The 550th Fighter Squadron is an active association unit working with the
173rd Fighter Wing Oregon Air National Guard at Kingsley Field, OR.
Major Tenants: Four tenant commands including the 944th Fighter Wing assigned to the 10th Air Force,
and the Air Force Reserve, Gila Bend AF Auxiliary Field; Gila Bend Associate Unit, AFAA Area Audit Office; AFOSI DET 421 Luke AFB; Army Corps of Engineers, AFGE Local 1547, DET 9 ACC Training Support Squadron, DET 12/372nd Training Squadron; AFLSA/Dyncorp; 107th Air Control Squadron;
Defense Commissary Agency, U.S. Air Force Auxiliary; USAF Liaison Office. Luke Air Force Base also houses Navy, Army and Marine units.
Substantial interaction with other bases, services: Davis-Monthan AFB, Air National Guard Snowbird
Operations, Eglin AFB, U.S. Navy U.S. Marine Corps, Air Force Reserve.
Major facilities on base: Medical clinic, Base Exchange, Commissary, Fitness Center, outdoor recreational center.
Extended educations facilities on base: Air Force Education Center.
Most live off-base as there are only 550 housing units. The base housing does not accommodate the civilian workforce, contractors or retirees.
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