Page 1 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, October 30, 2020
P. 1
vol. 4, no. 24 Serving Southern Nevada’s military community, including Nellis, Creech and NTTR oct. 30, 2020
An Aerotech news And review publicAtion •
ACC leaders set tone for Team 432
Gen. Mark Kelly, commander of Air Combat Command, C o l . S t ep h en
visited Creech Air Force Base, Nev., under the new lens of Jones, right, 432nd
COMACC to immerse himself with the 432nd Wing/432nd W in g /432n d Air
Air Expeditionary Wing’s Remotely Piloted Aircraft mis- E x p e di t i o n ar y
sion Oct. 22. Wing commander,
Kelly, partnered with Chief Master Sgt. David Wade, ACC
command chief, visited to enhance their understanding of w e l c om e s G en .
the installation’s current and future operations, and see how Mark Kelly, lef t,
the 432nd WG/432nd AEW are developing resourceful and commander of Air
resilient Airmen trained to project dominant and persistent Combat Command,
airpower. to Creech Air Force
“There are things that our nation needs the Air Force Base, Nev., Oct. 22,
to do, and there are things that the Air Force needs that 2020. Kelly’s visit
only this wing can do,” Kelly said. “If you look across the to Creech included
spectrum of conflict — everything from helping with Cali- stops at the air traffic
fornia wildfires, to helping our national security structure,
to making sure that violent extremists don’t harm this na- control tower, the
tion — no other wing on the planet can run that gambit of 30th Reconnaissance
skill and mission sets.” S q u a d ro n , th e
The team began their immersion at Creech AFB’s air traf- Persistent Attack
fic control tower, surveying the entire base from the overlook. and Reconnaissance
Center as well as
See leaders, on Page 3 432nd WG/432nd
Air Force photograph by Staff Sgt. Omari Bernard AEW headquarters.
Air Force photograph by Airman 1st Class William Rio Rosado
Air Force photograph by Airman 1st Class William Rio Rosado Col. Stephen Jones, 432nd Wing/432nd Air Expeditionary
Gen. Mark Kelly, commander of Air Combat Command, Wing commander, gives a canvas tour of the installation Air Force photograph by Airman 1st Class William Rio Rosado
recognizes and coins a 432nd Wing/432nd Air Expeditionary to Gen. Mark Kelly, commander of Air Combat Command, Chief Master Sgt. David Wade, command chief of Air
Wing Airman for his achievements at Creech Air Force Base, and Chief Master Sgt. David Wade, command chief of ACC, Combat Command, speaks to enlisted members during an
Nev., Oct. 22, 2020. Kelly’s visit to Creech included stops from the air traffic control tower at Creech Air Force Base, enlisted call at Creech Air Force Base, Nev., Oct. 22, 2020.
at the air traffic control tower, the 30th Reconnaissance Nev., Oct. 22, 2020. The 432nd Wing kicked off the visit at Wade discussed social media behavior, suicide prevention,
Squadron, the Persistent Attack and Reconnaissance Center Creech AFB’s air traffic control tower in order to survey the diversity and inclusion with the enlisted members of
as well as 432nd WG/432nd AEW headquarters. entire base from the overlook. Creech AFB.
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