Page 1 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 4-22-16
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Train the world’s greatest F-35 and F-16 fighter pilots April 22, 2016
Vol. 16, No. 16
No girls allowed, 3
Marquez award, 4
Load crew comp, 6
STD awareness, 7
DOD Warrior Games, 19
Action line ............................. 2
Briefs..................................... 3
Spotlight ................................ 4
Diversions ........................... 16
Sports.................................. 19
Courtesy photo
AF introduces Air Superiority 2030 study
Look for the first monthly by ronment and surface capabilities together concepts. Eventually the team determined
edition of Thunderbolt SECRETARY OF THE AIR FORCE to solve our problems. an integrated and networked family of
May 6 in its usual place capabilities operating across air, space and
Questions? Public Affairs “Air superiority is the most important cyberspace was the most viable option.
Call 623-856-5998 thing the Air Force provides for the joint
WASHINGTON — The Air Force in- force in the tactical environment,” Holmes “There’s no silver bullet,” said Col. Alexus
troduced the results of a yearlong study said. “I don’t believe there is anyone in our Grynkewich, the Air Superiority 2030
focused on developing capability options to armed forces who has ever fought a com- ECCT lead. “We have to match tech cycles —
ensure joint force air superiority in 2030 bined arms battle without complete control some of them are really long. Engines take a
and beyond during an Air Force Association of the air, and there’s no one in our armed long time to make, but information age tech
breakfast April 7 in Arlington, Virginia. forces who has ever fought a combined arms cycles are fast. Software updates are con-
battle against an enemy armed with preci- stantly moving. So how do you move from
According to Lt. Gen. Mike Holmes, the sion weapons.” pacing yourself off industrial age mindsets
Air Force deputy chief of staff for strategic to information age mindsets?”
plans and requirements, the gap between With direction from Air Force Chief of
the U.S. military’s air superiority capabili- Staff Gen. Mark Welsh III, Air Force op- The answer, Grynkewich said, is parallel
ties and potential adversaries’ network of erators, acquirers and analysts formed an development of maturing technologies for
capabilities is closing at an accelerated rate. enterprise capability collaboration team to sensors, missions systems, lethality and
evaluate these problems from a new van- nonkinetic effects, on appropriate time
In order to counter emerging threats, air tage point to propose solutions and lay out cycles. The next step is to pull technologies
superiority must be viewed as a condition, a plan to achieve those solutions as quickly out of each of those parallel efforts when
not capability, using multidomain solutions as possible. they are ready and developing prototypes,
developed through a more agile acquisition experimenting and gaining more knowledge
process. The ECCT looked to military experts, aca- to determine if the developments are what’s
demia and industry for input and then con- needed in the field.
“After 25 years of being the only great ducted integrated planning, analysis and
power out there, we’re returning to a world assessments. More than 1,500 submissions Using cell phones as an example, the
of great power competition,” Holmes said. were distilled into 220 initiatives, which
“We need to develop coordinated solutions were then divided into various operational See STUDY, Page 7
that bring air, space, cyber, electronic envi-
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