Page 1 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, July 19, 2019
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vol. 3, no. 15 Serving Southern Nevada’s military community, including Nellis, Creech and NTTR July 19, 2019
An Aerotech news And review publicAtion •
U.S. Air Force Warfare Center
welcomes new commander
by Airman 1st Class to tell you to get ready because Academy in 1992. He is a gradu- diplomats are sitting at the no- Air Force photograph by Airman 1st Class
Jeremy Wentworth you’re about to learn more ate of the U.S. Air Force Weap- fail poker table of diplomacy, Jeremy Wentworth
about yourself than maybe you ons School and a command they always have the biggest
Nellis AFB, Nev. have in the past,†said Holmes. pilot with more than 3,100 fly- stack of chips and the best deck Gen. Mike Holmes, commander
“You’re going to learn how to ing hours, which includes 440 of cards. And that, ladies and of Air Combat Command, passes
The Nellis Air Force Base, do more. You’re going to learn combat flying hours. Prior to gentlemen, prevents adversaries the guidon for the U.S. Air Force
Nev., community welcomed how to be more. You’re going to arriving at Nellis, he served as from wanting to mess with us. Warfare Center to Maj. Gen. Charles
the new commander of the U.S. learn how to achieve more. And the director of Operations, Stra- That preserves peace, and that’s Corcoran during an assumption of
Air Force Warfare Center, Maj. you’re going to do that because tegic Deterrence and Nuclear what our job is all about.†command ceremony at Nellis Air
Gen. Charles Corcoran, during General Corcoran has a unique Integration at Headquarters Force Base, Nev., July 12, 2019. As
an assumption of command ability to empower the people he U.S. Air Forces in Europe and In closing, Corcoran vowed the commander, Corcoran will
ceremony July 12, 2019, in the works with and the people who Air Forces Africa at Ramstein devotion to his new Airmen and oversee four wings, two named
Thunderbird hangar. work for him, to inspire them Air Base, Germany. the future of the Center. units and one detachment with
in what they can do, and to help more than 11,000 Airmen serving
Gen. Mike Holmes, com- them become the best versions “Ultimately, what we do is “I assure you, we will con- in the 57th Wing, 53rd Wing, 99th
mander of the Air Combat of themselves so they can pass provide options for our nation’s tinue to inspire the next genera- Air Base Wing, 505th Command
Command, presided over the that down to their Airmen.†leaders and bargaining chips tion of Airmen, we will continue and Control Wing, the Nevada
ceremony. for our nation’s diplomats,†said work with our sister services, Test and Training Range and the
Corcoran received his com- Corcoran during his first speech our allies and our industry part- Air Force Joint Test Program Office.
“To the Airmen of the War- mission from the U.S. Air Force to the USAFWC. “So, when our ners to make sure we continue
fare Center represented by the to push the boundaries further and faster, and we remain the
folks here in this crowd, I want greatest Air Force the world has
ever seen,†said Corcoran.
Air Force photograph by Airman 1st Class Jeremy Wentworth
The USAFWC conducts
The Nellis Air Force Base community welcomed the new commander of the U.S. Air Force Warfare Center, Maj. Gen. Charles Corcoran, during operational testing and tactics
an assumption of command ceremony in the Thunderbird hangar July 12, 2019. Corcoran comes to Nellis from U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air development programs as well
Forces Africa, where he served as the director of Operations, Strategic Deterrence and Nuclear Integration. as advanced training schools,
exercises and venues for Amer-
ica’s Airmen.
As the commander, Corco-
ran will oversee four wings, two
named units and one detach-
ment with more than 11,000
Airmen serving in the 57th
Wing, 53rd Wing, 99th Air
Base Wing, 505th Command
and Control Wing, the Nevada
Test and Training Range and
the Air Force Joint Test Pro-
gram Office.
INSIDE: Commentary — 2; News — 3-6; Hometown Heroes — 8; Community News — 12-15; Nellis Living — 16