Page 1 - Nellis Creech NTTR Bullseye, April 28 2017
P. 1

Vol. 67 No. 9
                                                                                                                                                                                           April 28, 2017

Nellis AFB inducts new Honorary Commanders

                                                                                                     By senior Airman Kevin tanenbaum

                                                                                                     99th Air Base Wing Public Affairs

                                                                                                        NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. — With more than 130 guests
                                                                                                     in attendance, the 99th Air Base Wing hosted the annual Honorary
                                                                                                     Commanders’ Induction Ceremony for 25 new members April 6 in
                                                                                                     the Thunderbirds Hangar.

                                                                                                        The mission of the Honorary Commanders Program is to educate
                                                                                                     key community leaders about a unit’s mission and to foster a support-
                                                                                                     ive relationship with the community, increase military involvement
                                                                                                     in civic endeavors and organizations and make members of the local
                                                                                                     community feel part of the unit.

                                                                                                        During the ceremony, 99th Air Base Wing commander, Col. Paul
                                                                                                     Murray, took to the stage to further explain the essence of the honor-
                                                                                                     ary commander program.
                                                                                                     																						 See COMMANDERs, on page 6

                                             U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Andrew Sarver  Col. Paul Murray, 99th Air Base Wing commander, explains the essence
                                                                                                     of the honorary commander program during an induction ceremony for
                                                                                                     25 new members April 6 in the Thunderbirds Hangar on Nellis Air Force
                                                                                                     Base, Nev. The honorary commanders inducted represent key roles in the
                                                                                                     surrounding communities and will serve as a bridge for the Air Force to
                                                                                                     work with and foster deeper relationships to increase public awareness
                                                                                                     of the missions, policies and programs of the U.S. Air Force.

57th MXG: Day in, day out

By senior Airman Kevin tanenbaum             tainers still only have one option, accom-
                                             plish the mission by any means necessary.
99th Air Base Wing Public Affairs
                                                The mission of the Airmen assigned to
   NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. — As          the 57th Maintenance Group is to bear
the desert sun rises over the Nellis Air     the responsibility of ensuring that flying
Force Base, Nev. flightline, temperatures    programs on Nellis AFB can accomplish
climb, topping off at 115 degrees.           their own missions at all times.

   Jets engines ignite and the heat emitted     “The 57th Maintenance Group manages
brings the already blazing temperatures to   all of the aircraft and all of the Airmen who
nearly 130 degrees.                           												See MXG, on page 6

   In these grueling temperatures main-

Airmen from the 57th Maintenance Group pose for a photo on March 22 at Nellis Air Force                      U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Kevin Tanenbaum
Base, Nev. The mission of the Airmen assigned to the 57th Maintenance Group is to bear
the responsibility of ensuring that flying programs on Nellis AFB can accomplish their own
missions at all times.

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