Page 1 - Ft. Irwin High Desert Warrior, August 2019
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Volume 15, Number 7                                 Published in the interest of the National Training Center and Fort Irwin community •  August 2, 2019
Fort Irwin reacts to earthquakes

              by Janell J. Lewis Ford                  More than 100 people in the NTC com-                                                                                                                                   KTLA
                                                    munity quickly took to Facebook, comment-
               Garrison Public Affairs              ing about the earthquake on July 4, saying            The epicenter of the 7.1-magnitude earthquake was less than two hours from Fort Irwin.
   FORT IRWIN, Calif. — Fort Irwin got              they felt it.                                         The USGS says about 30,000 people felt the severe shaking and there are only gets about
more than a few, big bangs and fireworks on the                                                           15 quakes worldwide of a 7.0 intensity or higher.
Fourth of July this year, as a pair of earthquakes     “I’ve lived in California my whole life, earth-
rattled the community and left some people          quakes have NEVER been THIS bad!” Kaylee
feeling on edge.                                    Danielle Britt wrote.
   A 6.4-magnitude earthquake occurred at
11:33 a.m. along a series of small faults unre-        Elliott Bermudez-Colon was in his car when
lated to the San Andreas Fault, which stretches     it happened. “Funny thing, I was parked at
750-miles across the state of California. The       the commissary and my SUV starts shaking, I
quake, now referred to as a precursor or fore-      thought Holly Jesus!” he said.
shock, happened about 115 miles (less than 2
hours) away from the National Training Center          Jose AlfredoTrevizo said it, “Felt like the whole
(NTC), near Ridgecrest, California. That one was    house was moving back and forth,” and Michelle
followed by a 5.4-magnitude quake at 5:07 a.m.      Maleny Vela said, “It knocked off my ladder from
on July 5, a 5.0-magnitude near Searles Valley at   the garage and my kids cups!”
9:16 p.m. on July 5 and the big 7.1-magnitude
quake that hit three minutes later— the strongest      Caitlyn Carroll was inside a building and said
to hit the state in two decades.                    “Yup, shook the whole building.”

                                                       For some, the series of earthquakes brought
                                                    back frightening moments.

                                                                                See EARTHQUAKES, Page 6

Community rallies behind fire victims                                                                                                               Herschel Walker
                                                                                                                                                    o ers inspirational
                                                                                               by Janell J. Lewis Ford                              speeches at Fort Irwin

                                                    James Yeager, Jr.                           Garrison Public Affairs
                                                                          FORT IRWIN, Calif. — The Fort Irwin community has
                                                                       reached out to support three residents whose mobile homes were
                                                                       destroyed in a fire inside the RV park on post on July 20. The three
                                                                       affected include a captain on the Tarantula Operations Group
                                                                       team, as well as a married couple. Two recreational vehicles were
                                                                       destroyed in the fire, as well as another car and a truck. Two dogs
                                                                       that belonged to the married couple were inside one RV when the
                                                                       fire started and those pets died in the flames.
                                                                          The Fort Irwin community immediately jumped into
                                                                       action to help the three victims, offering everything from
                                                                       meals and kitchenware, to clothes and shoes for the victims.

                                                                                                                                  See FIRE, Page 3

Fireworks and cannons on post for July Fourth celebrations                                                                                                                By Janell J. Lewis Ford

Story and Photos by Garrison Public Affairs  comed hundreds of people to Army                                                                                              Garrison Public Affairs
                                             Field that night for games, activities,                                                                   FORT IRWIN, Calif. — Former NFL player, Herschel
   FORT IRWIN, Calif. — Dozens               inflatables, music, food, gifts and, of                                                                Walker, spent three days at the National Training Center
gathered outside the National Training       course, a fireworks show. The Garrison                                                                 meeting with, speaking with and sharing his story of struggle,
Center headquarters on the Fourth of         Command Team thanked the commu-                                                                        survival and inspiration with hundreds of soldiers, families
July for a 50-cannon salute in ob-           nity for their support and participation.                                                              and the Fort Irwin community. The former Dallas Cowboys
servance of Independence Day. The            Increased wind led to safety concerns,                                                                 player stood before crowds as a positive example of what it
Operations Group Wolf Team fired the         so the show was cut a bit short but no                                                                 can look like to live a productive life, while dealing with
cannon rounds as the song, “Proud to         one seemed to notice.                                                                                  a mental disorder. His last visit to the NTC was in 2014.
be an American (God Bless America)”                                                                                                                    “My treatment today is doing things like this,” Walker
played in the background.                       “Hands down, best fireworks show                                                                    said. “One of the things I tell people is treatment is talking
                                             ever put on by an MWR!” said Patrick Lee.                                                              about it and making yourself continue to be aware of it.
   The Family and MWR also wel-
                                                                See FIREWORKS, Page 12                                                                                                              See WALKER, Page 11
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