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With the ongoing pandemic and localised lockdowns and restrictions, we’re all spending more time at home than we usually might, so here are a few simple tips on being more sus- tainable at home this winter:
Energy at Home
• Try and reduce your energy
consumption around the house - can you turn your heating down? Did you know you could save around £60 a year by turning down your thermostat by one degree?
• If you’re spending the day at home, then make sure you’re only heating the rooms you need to - if you’re in one room and there’s no one else home then do you need to
• Avoid single-use
plastic - are there alternatives like refillable bottles, beeswax wraps or other containers
you can use
Food and Waste • Try and reduce
the amount of
waste in your
household. Reuse what you can, sort your recycling and make sure you separate food waste into the correct caddy.
• On the topic of food; why not consider trying to reduce the amount of meat you are eating?
• Where possible and practical,
       • Make sure your home is properly insulated. Did you know if you’re a homeowner in the UK, you can currently apply for a Green Homes Grant which you use towards the cost of installing energy efficient improvements to your home and is worth around 2/3 of the total cost (the threshold is £5,000). This could include insulation or low carbon
   heat your whole home?
• Simple things like turning off
toasters, kettles, computers, etc. when not in use make a difference! Also, if you’re getting new electricals or white goods, make sure it isn’t more powerful than you need and that it’s the most efficient type that meets your requirements - energy rating labels can give you a rough idea of its efficiency.
heating! The work must be
completed by 31st March 2021
• To improve your energy efficiency, see if you can
draught proof your windows
and doors.
• There are also lots of simple
measures like keeping internal doors shut which can help keep heat in each room and prevent you using more energy to warm up your house.
 see if you can re-use gift-bags and left-over wrapping paper before buying more!

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