Page 19 - Protecting Wealth: The Essential Guide To Finanacial Security
P. 19

Save Yourself (And Save Your Wealth)
Making The Choice To Save Yourself (And Save Your Wealth)...
  Interest rates have spent the last several years at historic lows.
This makes it particularly challenging to attempt to live off the interest on your savings.
Low interest payments don’t provide enough income.
But if you look into high-yield investment opportunities, you
could find yourself heavily bought into stocks or ETFs that are uncomfortably volatile.
Ask your broker or financial advisor about it, and you may hear about T.I.N.A.
T.I.N.A. -- investment speak for “There Is No Alternative”.
It means that while you might be worried about your investments, there’s nothing better than stocks to put your money in right now.
It’s often a momentum-based trade, too... when the market is rising fast, T.I.N.A investors make money.
But when the market turns... well, look out below!
Of course, some ups and downs are a natural part of trading -- nothing goes up all the time.
  There are risks associated with all forms of investments; to learn more please see the FAQ section.

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