Page 31 - Microsoft Word - GENERALS IBOOK WORD.docx
P. 31
from him is White House Counsel LAMBERT WHIPP.
SCOFFER: (pacing; into phone) Mister Prepp, are you out
of your head? What prompted you to send out e-mail
accusing the Department of the Treasury and the
Pentagon of conspiracy against the government!
Dammit, they ARE the government! This damn thing is
gonna twitter us alive on the goddamn internet and in
the Washington Post tomorrow sure as little dogs shit in
the woods!
COUNSELOR WHIPP: Shakes his head at the folly.
SCOFFER: I got a call at home from the President's
counsel who got an email of this outrageous letter from
his secretary who got it from the Night Reader! Do you
realize that you've put in writing something that could
put the spin on the White House that the President
himself might be leaking top secret documents on
military theft? (beat) You're damn right you'll fix it!
You'll resign! You don't commit allegations -- I said
ALLEGATIONS, Mister Prepp -- to any kind of paper --
and e-mail is unthinkable!
WHIPP: (undertone) It's stupid. It's nuts.
SCOFFER: (into phone) No, you're not coming in
tomorrow. You'll be told when to come in, if at all -- that
fella who sent you this document --.
looks at the paper in his hand
WHIPP: () Donald Welston --
SCOFFER: (into phone) -- Donald Welston -- was blown to
pieces less than two hours ago as he was pulling into his
driveway. I suggest you stay in your house until you hear
from me or from Lambert Whipp. If you are contacted