P. 28
lvIs. SaIIy Burmester Augrst 30, 1995
ThergaSr, r engaged ia tengthy research for TrE Ar{ERIcAt{ PRESIDENT, i:ndlding revieniftg nr'-errys ncriodtol$ ;g$*ls,-pffaroq1r di€dcq fi6g-hand ircouils' transcripb, tl- private lettin of wooaro,r w15g; *a gaia CAt, the 1993 Federal Budget of &e Goicranem of tbc uritrd sarq ."d uJrrror t* tbe Natural Resourccs Defensc coulcil, tbc Natioaal Rifle aooJ.too, LedcaDs
United AgBin$ Handguns ald rzriors-o_,h* lotbying or*,.r"L-:t"oa-fi61f"*l l+ o, obtained ftom sen Bob rGrry, white House rotitidl ifirr", t; ;A; Crcorgo stephanopolous, Ireatber Bcitel, &e unird stsea;et senice ana]ilsacnt oinon AII of this rrse"rct sas desrqed n hring ralb'r aad ra.&mfrig to*r;c:g!ry es !
began acnralty .o write t t lp, whicb - o-i-tr thsmcs tEhaLr Rob Reiner and
I fint began addresshg b th; "tpr*rG-i' '\w sunncr of lg%
Ttrcrcfors, it scems to mc that I ums tbc first writer oa this projed a'd harc bcen tbc only couuib'ntor to the {ual shootes *tpt fur TIE AI\4ERICAI{ PRESIDENT. It sorldle_tcnibty *jo1_"! gi'tc rifuorro,rr,io tb;-!o
*iel a guar.anteed 'FdttibJc, sJoty cicolr *opry because cas{e ary otber
a cbain-of-titrc from unircrsat (a) d
Iu ry view, whcu &stle
Rock chosE to soco,e 1ojd .oy pi,t "al drh bru;i'rrs;as TIIE
cohtlnued oan:dpfoem utn Roben Rcdfod attached ud O) to arcid baving wo diftreut competing ptltia"rrtir,l a, proj*c goh-g to ts
prepared the original Notice of Tentativn
ItiFg c"9diF for'rHE Ar{ERrcAI'IPREstriEIvr, the Iisr of writerc who bad been
involvcd wirh Mr- Redforcls projccr at unircrs:ar troori t"g have bccn naoed as
parricrpating uriters i! 'THE A$,IERICAII PRESIDEI.IF. Mr- Redfords projccr w:B a!
enthclv differcut film which 1g indcpendeutly a"refopcO qy Vit:ii*[il 5i aootrn
I should also uoto tbat I arn srpenety confident tbat ooce 6c fornal
credit arbitration hearing is held aod &e Wcfe arbii*b; n"" n a opgo*r,riry o
r rdtt d;;i h;-*ry r shourd be ny original scre€nplaywith an
penalized in any manucr sinply uecarsc I agced to;i;
eyc towards Rob.'t! Redford playing the roli of a widmert r,.".ii*r. iiftsao* enougb, wben I ultimaEtywrotathi Ycsrylar, Mr. Redford cbose to teave-the proiect becarse he was not comforabrc with tho aierfrso I had c,hoscn i;; tli";;,
rwiew my TIIE -
AI'IERICAI{ PRESDEN.T atinsl a[ of thc pr.wioss scrip6
dapJoged Mr. Redfurd, they will dcnernrinc"*t
ry u,it oi*ier, other the,, sq shoild bc
:ltPl p-g{ stoy or ueeopray crcdir in onnection trIE alierucan
wiu nrny gricslrvc ty *r" Trittoi gf
PRESIDEI'IT ard ",rrhordir in oonncctiou with the FilE.
We have now discovered that this process never occurred.
The WGA arbitrators who are supposed to "review" the screenplays from di"erent writers never saw THE EXECUTIVE WING.
The entire WGA process was subverted by Rob Reiner and Carl Gottlieb and false evidence from Castle Rock.