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Monday February 24 - Doing what is right
(The proverbs...) for receiving instruction in prudent behaviour, doing what is right, just and fair... Proverbs 1:3
It’s not always easy to know if something’s right. When is it right to share something or simply keep it to oneself? When should I confront someone who is doing wrong, or simply pray about it? Should I give a gift to someone who I feel might use it inappropriately? On top of this is the question of how should I go about it? This is where prudence comes into play; in Hebrew ‘prudence’ incorporates a sense of discretion, insight and understanding. The right thing ceases to be the right thing when it’s not done in the right way, at the right time and with the right motive, even though it may in itself be ‘right’.
How many of us are guilty of bottling things up, then venting our anger in an argument? We may have spoken the truth, but it is not right! Prudence is the ‘bed- fellow’ for every action – it is foundational to all wisdom. It means that I need to listen to God and also listen to others, hearing not only what people are saying, but more importantly discerning why they are saying it. Yes, I can argue about whether something is accurate, while missing the real issue. Jesus got it spot on when he challenged cold legalism by saying, “You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel” (Matthew 23:24). So let’s ask God for prudence and wisdom.
Father, I need your help! May your word and your Holy Spirit enlighten me in every situation I face today. Amen.
Tues Feb 25 - Prudence, knowledge & discretion
(The proverbs...) for giving prudence to those who are simple, knowledge and discretion to the young... Proverbs 1:4
Most of us would probably become ultra-defensive if someone were to call us ‘simple’. But the truth is that we are all simple – deficient in both knowledge and discretion. We all enter the world as a baby without any knowledge, living solely by innate instinct. As we mature, we accumulate knowledge, but not necessarily wisdom. Wisdom is gained through experience – especially through our mistakes, but also through instruction.
The book of Proverbs teaches us what is appropriate, godly, profitable, and right. Proverbs help us to know God, to fear him, and know that he rewards those that diligently seek him (Hebrews 11:6). Such knowledge cannot come by way of worldly philosophies; it must come from heaven. Young people need this precious kind of knowledge and discretion. Discretion enables them to discriminate between right and wrong; without it they will struggle in life; with it they can achieve greatness in the sight of God.
Parents, consider teaching proverbs to your children. Everything they learn in life needs to be underpinned by wisdom from above – that is why the book of Proverbs is so important. Is it just for the young? I think not; I close with Jesus’ instruction in Matthew 18:3 to “become like little children”, i.e. needing to remain teachable and dependent. Let’s choose wisdom, looking to the leading of the Holy Spirit and the wisdom of the written Word.
Father, I humble myself before you, asking like Solomon for a discerning heart, so that I may distinguish between right and wrong (1 Kings 3:9). Amen.