Page 35 - Living light - The Psalms
P. 35

  Nationwide Christian Trust MINISTRY NEWS
 Rev. Ian Moore
As a young Christian, God gave me a picture of how He wanted me to live. Can you remember gold diggers in old westerns?
The final process of mining for gold was to shovel earth into a
that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms.” (Luke 24:44). I pray that in the days ahead we will each gain a fresh insight into the glory that is Jesus.
It is amazing to consider that at the same time the Psalms were being written, God had you in mind and knew the challenges you would be facing right now.
Be blessed!
pan and hold it under running water, washing away the things of no value to expose priceless nuggets of gold. God wanted me to be such a prospector, not looking for earthly treasure, but God’s truth. In simple terms, I must allow the Holy Spirit to wash away all but the pure gold of God’s word. Without being aware of it, our sieves can become full of things of no value! As you reflect on the Psalms, the hymn book and prayer book of Israel, may the Holy Spirit reveal the Father’s precious, life-giving word to you. During this journey you will encounter everyday emotions including anger, frustration, jealousy, despair, fear, envy and self-doubt. You will also experience joy, excitement, hope, peace, worship and love. Psalms is inspired by a real God, written by real people for the real situations we face day by day. It is not esoteric, but ‘tyre meeting the road’ stuff!
Jesus, as a young man, would have memorised the Psalms. On one occasion He said, “Everything must be fulfilled

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