Page 46 - Living light - The Psalms
P. 46

“ The Lord is my shepherd... and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.” Psalm 23:1 & 6
TO GOD: Father, thank you for being my Shepherd and that I am a sheep of your pasture. I praise you that you are the Good Shepherd, who knows and loves each one of your flock.
FOR THE CHURCH: Father, thank you that Jesus, King of Kings, took upon himself the role of a shepherd, offering eternal life to his sheep, both now and in the kingdom to come.
FOR THE WORLD: May those suffering through war, tragedy, famine and climate change receive the help they need to rebuild their lives.
FOR OUR NATION: May the church arise in resurrection power to minister Christ’s grace and compassion to the poor, marginalised and the brokenhearted.
FOR OUR FRIENDS: May those closest to us recognise that the Lord is our shepherd and by the leading of the Holy Spirit desire to be one of his flock.
FOR MYSELF: Father, may I learn to recognise the Shepherd’s voice above all others.
If you would like to know Jesus as your friend and Saviour, you can use A Prayer of Personal Commitment on page 39.
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  Oh Lord, fill us anew as we read your Word and wait on you. In Jesus name. AMEN.
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