Page 70 - Living light - The Psalms
P. 70

Saturday August 24 - The Lord is to be worshipped
Exalt the Lord our God and worship at his holy mountain, for the Lord our God is holy. Psalm 99:9
We come to the end of our week of reflections on Psalm 99, and indeed to the end of this edition of Living Light in which we have walked through some of the Psalms together. We hope and pray it has been both a blessing and an inspiration in your worship and service. The psalms were Jesus’ ‘Mission Praise’! Many, if not all, of these psalms would have been memorised and sung by our Lord Jesus. That’s something wonderful, just to think that these scriptures (albeit in Hebrew) were used by Jesus, who often quoted from psalms in his teaching.
This is the third occasion, in just nine verses, that we have been told, ‘The Lord is holy’ (kadosh in Hebrew). This is repeated because of its importance – the writer wanted to impress this on our minds. In fact, on this occasion it is the Lord our God. The possessive pronoun, ‘our’, is everything. Stop for a moment to take it in; he is the Lord your God and no-one, no power nor anything else can take that away from you (see Romans 8:38-39).
God is holy in all he is and all he does. And wonder upon wonders, he calls us to be holy like him (1 Peter 1:16) – which is made possible by allowing the Holy Spirit to reign in our hearts. May it be!
Father, I am left with only one fitting response, and that is to worship in the beauty of your holiness, to exalt you and to give you the highest place. Amen.
August 25th - November 23rd features in the next issue of Living Light
The Lord reigns, let the nations tremble; he sits enthroned between the cherubim, let the earth shake. Psalm 99:1
TO GOD: Father we rejoice in the knowledge that you are the God of all peace and amazing grace. May we share your grace and peace with our needy world at every opportunity.
FOR THE CHURCH: Lord, forgive us for the times we are devoid of grace, and the dishonour this brings to your Name.
FOR THE WORLD: Lord of the harvest, we pray that you will raise up labourers (Matthew 9:38) for the harvest is ripe.
FOR OUR NATION: Lord Jesus, your return is imminent. Please commission men and women, filled with your Spirit, to preach the good news boldly and declare the wonders of God.
FOR OUR FRIENDS: Father, it is your will that none should perish (2 Peter 3:9), and therefore I pray with confidence for [names].
FOR MYSELF: Loving heavenly Father, I humbly ask to receive an overflow of your peace and grace so that I may live in the triumph of Calvary and the power of the resurrection.
  Father, please revive us as we look forward to a new term. Please fill us afresh! AMEN.
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