Page 17 - Living Light Autumn 23
P. 17

And when they heard that the Lord was concerned about them and had seen their misery, they bowed down and worshiped. Exodus 4:31
TO GOD: Heavenly Father, may we worship you in the beauty of holiness! (Psalm 96:9). Ascribing greatness to our God, the Rock – your work is perfect; for all your ways are just (Deuteronomy 32:3-4).
FOR THE CHURCH: Father, may your church have a heart like your heart, caring for the suffering and downtrodden, the orphan, the widow and those marginalised in society (James 1:27).
FOR THE WORLD: Lord, we bring before you organisations and individuals providing aid to impoverished and war-torn countries, remembering especially... (the agency of your choice).
FOR OUR NATION: Father, forgive us for not praying for our leaders as we should, and for the times we have not honoured and encouraged them at every level of government. Father, continue to reveal yourself to our king, Charles III, that he might reign with godly wisdom.
FOR OUR FRIENDS: Take a moment to call out the name of friends in need.
FOR MYSELF: Father, may I love with your unrelenting love. Lead me to one person with whom I can share your love and grace today. Amen.
 Father, may you speak words of life through Wayne Dulson at Time out with God on 25th
 Living Light is also available as daily email with audio option, online flipbook and Kindle.
See page 35 for details or call:
01277 367124
  Living with Loss
With Rev Ian and Carol Moore
Monday 2nd October. 10.00am for 10.30am to
Loss is something that affects us all, yet we can often find ourselves ill-prepared to deal with its consequences, whether it’s bereavement, divorce, separation, identity, faith, hope, confidence or well-being.
We will see how we can get ‘stuck’, and importantly how it’s possible to grow through loss and become better equipped for life. ‘Living with Loss’ attempts to lift us above loss rather than letting it dominate our lives.
Tea/coffee and a 2 course lunch is included in the cost of £20.00 per person.
  Call to book: 01277 367124
 or email:

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