Page 4 - Living Light Autumn 23
P. 4

Monday August 28 - Stand to attention
When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, “Moses! Moses!” Exodus 3:4
Spontaneous combustion is not uncommon in hot, arid climes, but a fire that does not consume – that is something quite different! Little did Moses know that this non-consuming fire would draw him to his all-consuming God! Having caught Moses’ eye, God wanted to draw him apart to gain his full attention. This was to be no ‘sound bite’ conversation; it was a talk that had been 40 years in the making.
God does not want to time-share! He looks for wholehearted, fully committed, passionate people who want to listen rather than just speak. This double call of God reiterates the point; not simply “Moses”, but “Moses! Moses!” Whenever this happened in Scripture it heralded a significant event, e.g. for Abraham, Jacob, Martha, Simon, and Saul of Tarsus.
God wants your undivided attention. May we not miss the call of God – or having heard, be too busy to draw near. The lesson to be learnt here is found in Moses’ simple three-word reply, “Here I am”. These are the words God loves to hear – words of availability and submission to his will. This was not a ‘not in my time’ or ‘what do you want’ response, but more one of a servant reporting for duty.
The fate of a whole nation depended on Moses’ three words. Dare you put down what you are doing and simply say, “Here I am”? The consequences could be beyond comprehension.
My Father, I choose to give you my undivided attention. Lord, here I am! Amen.
Tuesday August 29 - On holy ground
God said. “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.” Exodus 3:5
May I ask a question? What ground are you standing on? Is it the ground of doubt, failure, fear, despondency, inadequacy, self-sufficiency...? May I ask a second question? What ground does the Lord want you to stand on?
Today’s text reveals the answer; we are called to stand on prepared ground, ground prepared by God. On a subsequent occasion the Lord said to Moses, “There is a place near me where you may stand on a rock” (Exodus 33:21). Edward Mote’s famous hymn declares, ‘My hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus' blood and righteousness... on Christ, the solid Rock, I stand: all other ground is sinking sand.’
Having met Moses in the wilderness and gained his attention, God now gives the waiting Moses his instruction: “Take off your sandals, Moses.” Moses no longer needed sandals because he was to wait; he was to be vulnerable, and submissive. Captured soldiers are told to remove their boots as an act of surrender. Holy ground is the place of total surrender to the will of God. What Moses was about to hear was not about self- endeavour or ability – it concerned God’s will and God’s doing.
Jesus’ friend Mary metaphorically took off her sandals to sit at Jesus’ feet, while her sister kept hers on to work. Like Mary (Luke 10:42), will you make the better choice?
Heavenly Father, I want to hear your voice calling me by name. Speak Lord, for your servant listens. Amen.

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